Year One
2268: The Memory of War

Who are you? Matthew Gideon.  Captain.  Attached to the Earth Alliance starship Excalibur.
What do you want?  To find a new home for our people, and to avenge the human race.
Where are you going?  Centauri Prime... Minbar itself... the darkest corners of the galaxy.
Who do you serve, and who do you trust?  ....

"I was too slow once, and Earth paid the price. I will never be too slow again."
--Captain Matthew Gideon

1. The Memory of War
2. Ruling from the Tomb
3. The Well of Forever
4. The Path of Sorrows
5. Each Night I Dream of Home


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DarkCrusade is the Crusade Alternate Universe story--
the complete, five-year Crusade saga, following one slight change in 2261, "the year everything changed."
Story, design, and layout by Van Allen Plexico. Send correspondence and comments to vplexico at
Babylon 5 and Crusade created by J. Michael Straczynski and property of Warner Communications.