Year Three: 2270: Episode 4
Seven Words


Two Technomages square off, energy blazing from their fingertips and their personal objects of choice.

One is male and wields a baton-- really an overgrown magic wand-- with which he directs his attacks.  The other, a female, wears a thick, leathery black glove, which seems to accumulate and focus the release of her energies.  

The two circle one another, launching lightning bolts and fireballs and many other devastating forms of attack at one another.  Blood trickles from numerous wounds each has suffered already.

Beyond the flat, grassy area upon which they fight, many other Technomages are gathered, observing the proceedings with interest.

After several minutes of circling, attacking, feinting, and counter-punching, the final assault comes.  The female Mage unleashes a barrage of fury at her opponent, who counters most of it with his baton before releasing his own power and rage.  The area flares with light; the grass bursts into flame.

When the smoke clears, and the other mages have somehow extinguished the flames, only one Mage remains.  The female slowly pulls herself to her feet, blood streaming from her nose and a wound in her shoulder, and glares at the others.  Then she staggers away, toward her quarters.  

The other Mages, each in his or her own way, says a quick prayer or curse or remembrance of the destroyed Mage.  And then they all return to their homes, their duties.  And each knows that, with regard to the challenges and the combat to the death, he or she could be next.

*  *  *

Galen sits back in his chair and ponders the battle he has just witnessed between Wikken and the late Darga, and thinks over what he has observed since returning to the Technomage world of refuge.  The duels are happening with greater frequency.  The situation has grown intolerable.  Soon, very soon, something would have to give.  Galen fears thinking of just what that something could be.

The Technomages have never much trusted one another, even spread across half the galaxy.  Confined as they are now to one tiny, remote world, waiting, waiting for... something to happen, to signal a change in their monotonous status quo-- it was simply intolerable.  Each knew that the current arrangement could not survive much longer.  Or else, none of the Mages themselves would survive much longer.  Danger from the outside was one thing-- but they were very close to turning with rage and fury upon one another.  To killing one another.

But all of the alternatives were bad.  Stay here, and see their small society dissolve into mass murder.  Return to the inhabited areas of the galaxy--no, the situation on Minbar and with the Humans was bad and growing worse.  Go out into the beyond-- few currently supported that, and it would remove much chance of their order surviving in the long run.  Surely they would simply scatter to the four winds and eventually all die out, away from anyone else.  Certainly there would never be another generation of Technomages.  And thus, no consensus could be reached by the members of the Circle.  The only thing they seemed to agree on was that Galen was not welcome.

He didn't care.  He'd come back to try to help them-- to sort out their crisis-- whether they liked it or not.  And he'd come for another reason, as well.  Now he looks up from his brooding and meets the eyes of that other reason, seated across from him.

Dureena Nafeel looks back at him, her alien eyes sparkling.

"And you trust these people?" she asks.  "You expect me to?"

He purses his lips, then replies, "No.  Not in the least.  But they should be able to help you."

"Help me?  I don't need any help.  I feel better than I've ever felt in my life."

"Yes, I'm sure you do.  But, be that as it may, you do need help.  If for no other reason than because you are now, for all intents and purposes, a Technomage yourself.  And when the others found that fact out, they would come looking for you.  That... would not be desirable.  And, trust me, they would have found out."

Dureena frowns, then nods.  "Fine.  So why are we here, then?"

"To convince them to accept you... and not to skin you alive."

*  *  *

On Minbar, Alisa Beldon continues to see Tannier quite often, and finally demands of him, "Have you been ordered to keep track of me?"

"...Yes," he admits.  Given her abilities, and her past connections to Earth, and to Babylon 5, Forrell has taken a personal interest in her, and has directed Tannier to watch her.  But, he admits, he likes her a great deal, and watching her is more a pleasure for him than a duty.

Alisa is not heartened by this at all, and resolves privately to leave Minbar as soon as she can

*  *  *

Returning from Beta 9, the Excalibur docks at Babylon 5 to resupply.  The Excalibur has not yet been openly declared an outlaw ship, but Gideon has no doubt that the senior commanders of every EA installation know all about what is happening, and he knows that the station is the only place he can safely go, at the moment, thanks to Ivanova being in command there.

While on the station, Gideon arranges dinner with Ivanova, ostensibly to discuss the situation he and his ship find themselves in.  During dinner at the Fresh Aire Restaurant, Ivanova laughs that Gideon and his people are in a similar situation to the one she and Captain Sheridan were in, years earlier.  She jokingly asks him when he plans on declaring independence.  He does not laugh.

The two spend the night together in Ivanova's quarters.

Later, during the night, Gideon thinks he hears something-- a voice-- softly calling to him.  He gets up from the bed and follows the sound into Ivanova's large closet.  The voice is stronger.  He bends down, finds a wooden box hidden there among her clothing.  He opens the lid.  An orange glow radiates out.

"Separated... too long..."

"What are you doing?"

Gideon jumps, whirls, is confronted by Ivanova, wearing a robe, a PPG pointed at him.

"How did you know that was there?" she demands.

"It told me," he replies.  And, in response to her confused reaction, he adds, "I have one, too."

Ivanova's eyes widen, and she lowers the PPG.

"I'll make some coffee," she says.


*  *  *

The Technomage refuge world:

Some hours before the convening of the Circle, Galen instructs Dureena to work through a series of exercises designed to improve her concentration and skill with her new powers.  Then, leaving her in his quarters, Galen walks outside, across the thick grass of the compound, and to a secluded hillside.  There, under the overhanging limbs of a huge tree, he kneels down, finding the spot where he has left a small marker in memory of Isabelle.  

"I did what you would have wanted," he whispers.  "I took your ashes to the Well of Forever.  I hope that you may rest easy there."  He sighs heavily, all the weight of the world pressing down on his black-clad shoulders.

Galen thinks then about his late mentor, and smiles to himself.  Elric, during his conversation with Captain Sheridan on Babylon 5, and in a typical moment of Technomage deception, had reversed the order of the words of power the Mages could wield.  Unlike what Sheridan had been told, it was actually "seven words to make someone fall in love with you forever, and fourteen words to make them leave without pain."  

And thus does Galen whisper seven words.  The same seven words he has whispered to her memory every day since the day she died:

"I love you, Isabelle.  I always will."

And as always, there is no reply.

He stands to leave.

But then, for the first time, he thinks he almost hears a voice, a tiny voice, whispering to him.  He pauses, frowns, turns his head slightly.  The wind in the trees and the sounds from the compound are too much, though.  He dismisses the thought entirely and makes his way back to the compound.

*  *  *

That evening, the Circle convenes in the grassy field outside their compound.  Galen brings Dureena along with him, and at first opportunity, presents her to the Circle.

"This is Dureena Nafeel.  She has... become one of us."

A murmur arises among the gathered Mages.  

"How can this be?" demands the leader.

"Show them."

Dureena unsheathes her sword, the sword she acquired at the Well of Forever.  There is a hue and cry from the collected Mages.

"Avelar!  The sword of Avelar!"

"Where did you get that?"


"Grave robber!"

"How dare you?"

"Hand that over immediately!"

"No!" shouts Dureena.  "It's mine, now.  It works for me!"

As two Mages start towards her, she swings the sword in a broad arc-- and flames flare forth from it, sweeping the Mages back in shock.

A split second's stunned silence, then:  "A wild Mage!  She is a wild Mage!"

"Flay her!"

"Flay her now!"

"She must be flayed!"

Dureena looks at Galen, wild-eyed.

He sighs.  "This... is what I was hoping to avoid."

*  *  *

After things have settled down, Galen leads Dureena before the Circle once more.

"We have examined you and spoken with Galen at length on these matters, since he knows you and we do not.  While Galen is currently viewed with some disfavor by the Circle, we do respect his judgment and that of his late mentor, Elric, who taught him well.  Therefore, we offer you three choices of judgment, Dureena Nafeel.  You will choose one, and if you succeed at it, you will be recognized by the Circle and by all the Technomages as a legitimate sister of our order."

"And if I fail?"

He does not hesitate.  "You will be flayed."

Dureena looks at Galen, wide-eyed.

"You have no other choice," he tells her.  "And, as I said before, if we had not come here, they would have sought you out, eventually found you, and not offered you any choices whatsoever."

Dureena summons up her strength and her courage and nods once.  "Fine.  What are the options?"

The chief nods.  "Trial by Judgment.  Trial by Works.  Trial by Combat."


Galen explains:  "Trial by Judgment means you leave it to the decision of the Circle.  Trial by Works bases your worthiness on their evaluation of what you can create, using your new skills and powers.  Trial by Combat-- you must defeat an appointed champion of the Circle, who will battle you to the death."

Dureena shrugs.  "That's easy enough.  There's no way I'm leaving it in their hands, and I can't create squat, besides a whole lot of fire.  So:  Whom do I fight?"

Galen grits his teeth.  "Dureena-- no.  They will select someone powerful.  Someone quite...formidable.  I was thinking of Trial by Works-- if we could be allowed a few days to prepare, I could instruct you in how to--"

"Enough!"  From outside the Circle, a Mage rushes in, lightning flaring like a halo about her.  It is Wikken, the victor in the earlier duel, in which she had obliterated her opponent.  "The false Mage has chosen combat!  So be it!  She is a blasphemy to us all, and I will dispatch her with ease!"

Galen starts to interpose himself between the two, but the chairman of the Circle booms out, "No!  She did choose Combat, and so it will be!"

Galen reluctantly withdraws to the Circle, while the two women square off.

Wikken unleashes barrage after barrage of lightning at Dureena, and she barely manages to parry the blasts with her sword.  Minutes tick by, and Dureena is pushed further and further back, her energy rapidly depleting.  She knows that she is only fighting a defensive struggle, and that, sooner or later, Wikken's attacks will get through to her.

Desperately, Dureena summons up what strength she has remaining, and forces a counter-attack upon the arrogant Mage.  Flames roar out, pushing Wikken back, and the Mage cries out, but then she redoubles her own efforts, blasting away at Dureena.  For what seems like time unending, the two women smash at one another with lightning and flame.

Then, suddenly, the sword springs to new life in Dureena's hand, as if with a mind of its own.  She parries and attacks with a skill she has never possessed before.  Wikken cries out again and falls to one knee, and Dureena seems poised to deliver a death blow.  And then....

...And then, an image swirls about like fog, seeming to emanate from the sword itself.  It quickly solidifies into the three-dimensional likeness of a wizened old man in black robes, and the gathered Mages gasp.

"Avelar!  It is Avelar!"

The voice of the long-dead Technomage, Avelar, booms out across the compound.  "Not Avelar!  I am Aveling, the sword of Avelar, carried by him for many years and imbued with some part of his consciousness, his mind.  Long did I lie in his grave at the Well of Forever, and then in the clutches of the renegade Genius Loci... until I was found by this woman, Dureena Nafeel.  And this woman... this woman is truly a thief!"

A cry goes up from the assembled Mages.  Dureena tries to cast the sword aside, but finds she cannot.

"But," the sword Aveling continues, "I find that I like her.  From what I have experienced of her actions, and of her thoughts, I believe that she has only the best of intentions.  Better than most of you, my old colleagues!  She is, in truth, worthy.  And so-- I will be staying with her.  And you:  You will leave her alone!"

And with that, the image of Avelar fades and disappears.  Dureena stumbles backward, overcome with weariness, and collapses to the ground, sitting upon the grass, a stunned look on her face.

Galen helps her back up, then faces the chairman and the Circle.  "So?  What say you, Circle?  You have heard the words of the sword, and of its former master.  He has given Dureena his blessing.  Can you do any less?"

The members of the Circle lean in toward one another, murmuring quietly, plainly agitated and unhappy but uncertain what to do.

And then Wikken is on her feet once more, approaching Dureena.  Galen moves again to stop her, but she pauses, pulls her black glove from her hand, and raises her now-bare hand in a gesture of peace.  She turns then and faces the Circle leaders.  "This woman is indeed a Mage," she proclaims loudly.  "I will welcome her into the order, and challenge any who do not."

More murmuring from the Circle, then, "We concur in Wikken's decision.  Dureena Nafeel, we... provisionally... welcome you into our order, and place you under the tutelage of Galen."  He pauses, looking at his cohorts within the ruling Circle.  Then he continues, "While we respect both of you... perhaps it would be better if neither of you were here with us."

"Agreed.  I thank the Circle for their wise decision."  Galen grabs Dureena by the arm.  "Come on," he whispered, pulling her away.  "Before they change their minds."

*  *  *

That evening, as they are packing to leave, Dureena approaches Galen.  He turns to her, questioningly.

"I... I wanted to thank you for all you've done for me," she tells him.  "I know there was no real reason for you to get so involved.  I've never given you much reason to want to help me. You could have stayed out of it, and just let one of the others come for me later."

"No," he replies.  "I... never.  I could never have done that."

She smiles slightly, reaches out, grasps his hand, squeezes it.  She looks up into his blue eyes, and smiles again.

He opens his mouth, has no idea whatsoever of what to say, and closes it again.

Wordlessly, she releases his hand and returns to her packing.

*  *  *

Flying back through hyperspace, toward a planned rendezvous with Excalibur, Galen lies back aboard his autopilot-controlled ship and closes his eyes.  There is no sound but the soft humming of the ship's systems.  He thinks of all he's seen and done this day, and of the way things went with Dureena prior to their departure.  He finds he is torn with conflicting feelings and emotions-- more so even than usual.

After a while, a sense of peace descends over him, and he welcomes it.  Before sleep can claim him, he once again whispers the same seven words he's whispered every day since the day she died:

"I love you, Isabelle.  I always will."

And as sleep claims him, it seems that he hears words whispered in reply... fourteen words... fourteen words meant to let him go without pain:

"But now you must go on with life.  Remember me, but find new love..."

His eyes snap wide open and he sits bolt upright with a gasp.  Across from him, Dureena reacts with a start.

"What's wrong?"

Galen gathers himself, already in a cold sweat, his mind racing now, trying desperately to ascertain whether he dreamed the words... or...

"Nothing.  Nothing.  A dream.  My apologies."

He settles back down, and Dureena relaxes back into her own seat.  A sense of sadness pervades her once again, as she looks at him lying there.  She thinks of what could be, of what the two of them might share... if only he could rejoin the living... and allow the dead to rest in peace.

For she has heard his seven whispered words, but not the fourteen in reply.

*  *  *

And on a world once bright but now swallowed in darkness, another man breathes his own seven words:

"I love you, Delenn.  I'll find you."


Annotations for "Seven Words."

Next episode-->


DarkCrusade is the Crusade Alternate Universe story--
the complete, five-year Crusade saga, following one slight change in 2261, "the year everything changed."
Story, design, and layout by Van Allen Plexico. Send correspondence and comments to
Babylon 5 and Crusade created by J. Michael Straczynski and property of Warner Communications.