darkCrusade The year is 2268, six years after the fall of the Clark regime on Earth. 
This is the story of the starship Excalibur, its mission, and its captain, Matthew Gideon--
after history suffered one slight change...

Each "season" below is divided into five episodes each.

Originaly created in 2000 by Van Allen Plexico with Lyndie Freeman and Mike Chartier.
Seasons 1-3 completed; 4-5 never finished.
Update May 2009: Read the original OUTLINE document created by Van Plexico for DarkCrusade. This pretty much wraps things up.
Update 2019: This entire site crashed shortly after the 2009 update and has just now been recovered and reposted.

2268:  The Memory of War

"I was too slow once, and Earth paid the price. I will never be too slow again."


2269:  The Long Road

"Humanity now walks the Long Road, and, like it or not, we are obligated to help them find their way."


2270:  Racing the Night

"You cannot imagine what it is like to sense the sudden, simultaneous, undeniable realization of five billion people, that they're all about to die."


2271:  War Zone

"I have watched worlds enough and friends enough die already. I have no intention of witnessing any further."


2272:  Dark Victory

"The mission I signed on for? This ceased to be the mission I signed on for quite some time ago. Two--or is it three?--formerly inhabited worlds ago, in fact."

DarkCrusade is the Crusade Alternate Universe story-- following one single change in 2261, "the year everything changed."
Can you guess what that change was?  E-Mail the Apocalypse Box with your guesses!
Story, design, and layout by Van Allen Plexico.
Additional story material by Mike Chartier and Lyndie Freeman.
Send questions and comments to the Apocalypse Box, at 
vplexico at gmail.com 
Babylon 5 and Crusade created by J. Michael Straczynski and property of Warner Communications.