Unofficial Guide to the Masters of Evil
By Sean McQuaid
The Masters of Evil are a loosely organized team of costumed criminals, most of them superhuman, who have banded together for mutual gain. The original Masters were one of the first major super-criminal alliances since World War II, and several groups have banded together under the Masters of Evil name over the years since the original group's disbanding. The various Masters teams have fought many heroes, but their most frequent enemies by far are the Avengers, the heroic equivalent of the Masters of Evil. Just as the Avengers are the most formidable super-heroic team in the world, the Masters of Evil represent the most formidable super-criminal force in the world.
There have been six distinct incarnations of the Masters of Evil to date:
The original Masters of Evil
Members: Baron Zemo (leader), Black Knight II, Melter, Radioactive Man, Enchantress and Executioner.
First Appearance: Avengers 6
Appearances to Date: Avengers 6 (temporarily brought New York to a standstill using Zemo's Adhesive X; battled and defeated by Avengers; all but Zemo captured); Avengers 7 (recruited Enchantress and Executioner; battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 9 (allied with Wonder Man against Avengers; betrayed by Wonder Man and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 10 (with Immortus, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 15-16 (freed Black Knight II and Melter; battled and defeated by Avengers; disbanded after death of Zemo).
Masters of Evil II
Members: Ultron (leader), Klaw, Melter, Radioactive Man and Whirlwind.
First Appearance: Avengers 54
Appearances to Date: Avengers 54-55 (infiltrated and betrayed by Black Knight III; abducted Avengers; defeated by Avengers and Black Knight III; Masters abandoned by Ultron); Avengers 83 (led by Klaw, battled and defeated by Avengers and Lady Liberators).
Masters of Evil III
Members: Egghead (leader), Moonstone II, Scorpion, Tiger Shark, Whirlwind, Beetle, Shocker and Radioactive Man.
First Appearance: Avengers 222
Appearances to Date: Avengers 222 (battled and defeated by Avengers; all but Egghead captured); Avengers 228-230 (freed Moonstone II and Tiger Shark; recruited Beetle, Shocker and Radioactive Man; abducted Henry Pym and framed him for criminal acts; battled Avengers; all Masters defeated and captured by Pym and Avengers; disbanded after death of Egghead).
Masters of Evil IV
Members: Baron Zemo II (leader), Absorbing Man, Titania II, Moonstone II, Grey Gargoyle, Screaming Mimi, Yellowjacket II, Blackout, Bulldozer, Fixer II, Goliath III, Mister Hyde, Piledriver, Thunderball, Tiger Shark, Wrecker and Whirlwind.
First Appearance: Avengers 270-271 (formation), 273 (as a complete team)
Appearances to Date: Avengers 270 (recruited Moonstone II); 271 (recruited Yellowjacket II; Grey Gargoyle and Screaming Mimi captured in battle with Avengers and Paladin); Avengers 273-277 (invaded and occupied Avengers Mansion, torturing its captive occupants; driven out and defeated by Avengers and their allies; Yellowjacket II surrendered; Bulldozer, Piledriver and Thunderball disempowered and captured; Baron Zemo II and Moonstone II captured and severely injured; Blackout killed); West Coast Avengers 16 (Tiger Shark and Whirlwind captured by Hellcat, Tigra and Hank Pym while on assignment).
Note: Baron Zemo II later formed the Thunderbolts, a team of past Masters of Evil posing as super-heroes while plotting world conquest; however, most of the Thunderbolts enjoyed their heroic roles so much that they renounced crime, turning against Zemo and thwarting his attempted conquest of the world. The Thunderbolts first appeared in Incredible Hulk # 449 and currently appear in their own ongoing series. Current members include Meteorite (formerly Moonstone II), MACH-1 (formerly Beetle), Songbird (formerly Screaming Mimi), Atlas (formerly Goliath III) and Jolt. Zemo remains at large with the one Thunderbolt who remained loyal to him, Techno (formerly Fixer II). As leader of the Thunderbolts, Zemo used the costumed alias of Citizen V, a name stolen from a World War II costumed adventurer reportedly slain by the original Baron Zemo.
Masters of Evil V
Members: Doctor Octopus (leader), Absorbing Man, Gargantua, Jackhammer, Oddball, Powderkeg, Puff Adder, Shocker, Titania II and Yellowjacket II.
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
Appearances to Date: Guardians of the Galaxy 28-29 (invaded Avengers Mansion in hopes of looting its technological resources; betrayed by Yellowjacket II; repulsed by the Avengers support staff and the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy).
Masters of Evil VI
Members: Crimson Cowl III (leader), Cyclone II, Flying Tiger, Klaw, Man-Killer and Tiger Shark.
First Appearance: Thunderbolts 3
Appearances to Date: Thunderbolts 3 (battled and defeated by Black Widow and Thunderbolts; escaped capture).
Descriptions of the individual Masters of Evil follow below.
Absorbing Man (Carl "Crusher" Creel)
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery 114
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 270
The Absorbing Man is a career criminal whom the Norse god Loki mystically granted the ability to assume the physical properties of anything he touches. His recurring foes include Thor, the Hulk and Thunderstrike, who encouraged the Absorbing Man to reform (albeit with little lasting success). Absorbing Man is married to his criminal partner Titania (Mary "Skeeter" MacPherran). They both served as members of the fourth Masters of Evil under Baron Helmut Zemo, participating in the Masters' occupation of Avengers Mansion and an unsuccessful attempt to kill Hercules. Later, the couple joined Doctor Octopus's Masters of Evil in occupying Avengers headquarters a second time, meeting defeat at the hands of the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 183-184 (battled Avengers while attempting to flee the country); Avengers 270, 273, 275 (battled Avengers and Ant-Man II as member of MOE IV); Avengers Spotlight 27, 29 (participated in "Acts of Vengeance" conspiracy, imprisoned in Vault by Avengers); Avengers Annual 20 (battled Thor); Avengers Unplugged 3-4 (married Titania; fought off Avengers when they disrupted his wedding).
Baron Zemo (Heinrich Zemo)
First Appearance: Avengers 4 (in shadow), 6 (in full)
Founded Masters of Evil: Avengers 6
Baron Zemo was a brilliant scientist who became infamous in the 1940s as a Nazi war criminal and the sworn enemy of Captain America, whom Zemo blamed for an accident that disfigured him. When Captain America returned to activity and joined the Avengers in recent years, Zemo emerged from seclusion and founded the Masters of Evil to destroy the Avengers. The Masters almost succeeded in doing so on several occasions, but the Avengers always defeated them in the end. After several inconclusive battles between the two groups, Zemo accidentally killed himself in combat with Captain America when his own firearm triggered a rock slide that crushed him. Zemo's legacy of evil lives on, though: his son, Helmut, would take up the Baron Zemo guise to pursue his late father's enmity with Captain America and the Avengers; and the Masters of Evil have regrouped repeatedly over the years under various leaders, including the current Baron Zemo.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 4 (in flashback to 1945, killed Bucky and cast Captain America into suspended animation); Avengers 6 (founded MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 7 (recruited Enchantress and Executioner into MOE, defeated by Avengers); Avengers 9 (transformed Simon Williams into Wonder Man, who turned against him and helped the Avengers defeat the MOE again); Avengers 10 (with MOE, formed alliance with Immortus and unsuccessfully battled Avengers); Avengers 15 (died battling Captain America); Avengers 56 (encountered time-travelling Avengers in 1945); Avengers 131-132 and Giant-Size Avengers 3 (recruited from the past to join Kang's Legion of the Unliving, battled Avengers, defeated and returned to his own time by Immortus to face his inevitable death).
Baron Zemo II (Helmut Zemo):
First Appearance: Captain America 168 (as Phoenix); Captain America 276 (as Baron Zemo II)
Founded fourth Masters of Evil: Avengers 270-273
Baron Helmut Zemo is the son of the late Baron Heinrich Zemo, whose hatred of Captain America and the Avengers lives on in Helmut. The current Baron Zemo has used his father's inventions, his own scientific skills and his considerable strategic talents to become a major criminal mastermind in his own right. He assembled his own incarnation of the Masters of Evil, the fourth and largest to date, and led them in occupying Avengers Mansion and torturing its occupants; Zemo's victory proved short-lived, though, when the Avengers routed his forces and Zemo himself suffered near-fatal injuries.
More recently, Zemo had begun to reassemble his Masters when news broke of the Avengers' seeming death in battle with Onslaught. Devoid of purpose with the loss of his greatest foes, Zemo hit upon the idea of leading his Masters in masquerading as a new heroic super-team to replace the Avengers, accumulating public trust and resources until they were ready to strike. Zemo and his Masters successfully posed as the heroic Thunderbolts for months until Zemo was ready to credibly attempt world conquest using a mind control device, after which he swiftly set about subjugating the planet. Most of the Thunderbolts had grown to like their roles as heroes, though, so they turned against Zemo and foiled his plot, despite his use of the Avengers as mind-controlled pawns. Zemo escaped, however, and is doubtless plotting his revenge on both the Thunderbolts and the Avengers.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 270-271 (founded fourth MOE behind the scenes); Avengers 273-277 (led MOE IV in occupying Avengers Mansion and torturing its captive occupants; defeated by the Avengers and their allies; severely injured in battle with Captain America)
Beetle (Abner "Abe" Jenkins)
First Appearance: Strange Tales 123 (as Beetle); Incredible Hulk 449 (as MACH-1)
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 228
The Beetle was a master mechanic who longed for respect and public recognition, so he developed a winged battle suit to make a name for himself as a costumed criminal. Despite his ambition and intelligence, Beetle was defeated and jailed repeatedly over the years by a host of heroes, beginning with the Fantastic Four's Human Torch and Thing. Beetle's recurring foes included Daredevil, Iron Man and Spider-Man, though he also twice fought the Avengers, once as an unwilling agent of the Collector and once as a member of Egghead's Masters of Evil. More recently, Baron Helmut Zemo recruited Beetle to join his Thunderbolts, a new Masters of Evil group posing as super-heroes to win the world's trust while secretly plotting world conquest. Beetle and most of the other Thunderbolts grew to like their heroic roles, though, and they ultimately turned against Zemo, foiling his attempt at world domination and rescuing the Avengers in the process. Beetle remains an active member of the Thunderbolts at present in his super-heroic guise as MACH-1.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 26-28 (battled Avengers as pawn of the Collector, defeating Captain America in personal combat); Avengers 228-230 (as member of MOE III, battled Avengers and framed Henry Pym for criminal acts; defeated and captured by Pym and Avengers).
Black Knight II (Nathan Garrett)
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish 52
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 6 (founding member)
A descendant of the heroic Black Knight of Arthurian times, scientist and failed spy Nathan Garrett adopted his ancestor's identity as a criminal guise, using pseudo-knightly weapons and paraphernalia he'd created through his own scientific genius, including a multi-weapon lance and a winged horse. As the Black Knight, Garrett fought Giant-Man (who had ended Garrett's spy career), Wasp, Iron Man and Spider-Man, and battled the Avengers twice as a founding member of the original Masters of Evil. Later, though, he fell from his flying horse during a battle with Iron Man and died, but not before he made his nephew Dane Whitman swear to use the Black Knight identity for good, which Whitman has done as a member of the Avengers. Garrett's equipment has since been stolen and adapted by a new criminal, the Dreadknight.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 6 (as founding member of MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 15-16 (as member of MOE, defeated by Avengers); Avengers 47-48 (in flashback, fatally injured in battle with Iron Man; bequeathed Black Knight identity to Dane Whitman before dying); Avengers West Coast 61 (revived to battle Doctor Pym as member of Immortus's Legion of the Unliving, died in battle again).
Blackout (Marcus Daniels):
First Appearance: Nova 19
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
Blackout was a lab assistant who served as an experimental test subject, gaining the power to tap and manipulate the extradimensional energy known as the Darkforce. He became a super-criminal using his new powers and fought the novice crimefighter Nova, but Blackout could not fully control his abilities and was temporarily trapped in the Darkforce dimension, leaving him mentally unbalanced. The increasingly feeble-minded Blackout fell under the influence of the manipulative criminal Moonstone when they were imprisoned together for study at Project Pegasus, but their escape from that facility was hindered by the Avengers. Blackout later joined Moonstone in occupying Avengers Mansion as a member of Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil. Blackout's powers were essential to the success of Zemo's plans, so the ambitious Moonstone and Zemo vied for mental control of Blackout, a contest Zemo won using a mind control device to totally subvert Blackout's will. Avengers associate Doctor Druid helped Blackout realize he was being mentally manipulated, though, and Blackout rebelled, dying from the mental strain of resisting Zemo's commands. Zemo and his Masters were defeated shortly afterward.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 236-238 (escaped Project Pegasus with Moonstone, battled Avengers); Avengers 273-277 (brainwashed into helping Zemo's MOE IV occupy Avengers Mansion; died resisting Zemo's mind control).
Bulldozer (Henry Camp)
First Appearance: Defenders 17
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
Bulldozer is a member of the costumed criminal quartet known as the Wrecking Crew, all of whom have superhuman strength and durability siphoned from the enchanted crowbar of their leader, the Wrecker. The Wrecking Crew first battled the Avengers during the "Secret Wars" when the Beyonder pitted them and other super-criminals against various super-heroes. Later, as members of Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, the Wrecking Crew helped occupy Avengers Mansion and beat Hercules nearly to death. The Avengers ultimately defeated the Masters, though, and Bulldozer was disempowered and captured. Bulldozer has since regained his superhuman power and is once more active with the rest of the Wrecking Crew.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 273-277 (as member of Wrecking Crew and MOE IV, occupied Avengers Mansion; defeated, disempowered and captured by Avengers); Avengers Unplugged 4 (with Wrecking Crew, attended wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania; battled Avengers).
Crimson Cowl III (true name unknown)
First Appearance: Thunderbolts 3
Founded sixth Masters of Evil: Thunderbolts 3
The original Crimson Cowl who founded the second Masters of Evil turned out to be two people: the rogue robot Ultron and his unwilling accomplice Edwin Jarvis, who sometimes stood in for Ultron as the Crimson Cowl before Ultron revealed his true identity to the Masters. More recently, a new Crimson Cowl of unknown identity and origins founded a new Masters of Evil, the sixth to date. These new Masters have battled Black Widow and the Thunderbolts, but they remain at large and the Cowl's identity remains unknown.
Avengers Appearances: None to date.
Note: The author and others have theorized that Crimson Cowl III is Heike Zemo, mysteriously absent wife of Baron Zemo II.
Cyclone II (true name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Thunderbolts 3
Joined Masters of Evil: Thunderbolts 3
Cyclone is a French costumed criminal whose uniform contains devices that enable him to generate tremendous winds at will. His costume was invented by the original Cyclone, a French costumed criminal who fought Spider-Man before being murdered by the vigilante Scourge. How the original and current Cyclone are connected remains unknown, as does how the current Cyclone came to join the Crimson Cowl's new Masters of Evil.
Avengers Appearances: None to date.
Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius)
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 3
Founded fifth Masters of Evil: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
Doctor Octopus is a criminal mastermind who can mentally control his metal tentacles, which were fused to his body in an industrial accident that left him criminally insane. He is a longtime recurring adversary of Spider-Man, though he has fought other heroes such as Hawkeye, Iron Man, the Avengers and Mister Fantastic as well. He founded the fifth Masters of Evil to help him loot Avengers headquarters of its scientific resources while the Avengers were otherwise engaged during the Infinity War; however, his Masters were thwarted by the Avengers support staff and the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy, forcing Octopus to flee when his own disgruntled confederates turned against him.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 195 (behind the scenes); Solo Avengers 17 (arms deal with Madame Menace thwarted by Hawkeye and Sandman).
Egghead (Elihas Starr)
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish 38
Founded third Masters of Evil: Avengers 222
A scientific genius who turned his talents to crime, Egghead developed a bitter enmity with crimefighter Hank Pym, originally known as Ant-Man. When Pym suffered a nervous breakdown, Egghead took advantage of the situation by framing Pym for treason, and then founded a new Masters of Evil team to press Pym into Egghead's service and battle Pym's Avengers teammates when necessary. The Avengers ultimately cleared Pym's name, though, and Pym himself single-handedly defeated Egghead's Masters of Evil within their lair. Egghead tried to shoot the victorious Pym in the back but was stopped by Hawkeye, who plugged Egghead's gun with an arrow that made it backfire, killing him. While Egghead's death was accidental, there was a sort of ironic justice in it since Egghead had been responsible for the murder of Hawkeye's brother, Barney Barton, years earlier.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 63-65 (with Puppet Master and Mad Thinker, conspired to rule world; kidnapped Black Widow; threatened Earth with orbiting death ray, thwarted by Barney Barton and Avengers; killed Barney Barton; hired Swordsman to kidnap Hank Pym; defeated and captured by Goliath II); Avengers 217 (framed Hank Pym for treason); Avengers 222, 224, 227-230 (formed MOE III, abducted Hank Pym, battled Avengers, defeated by Pym, accidentally killed by Hawkeye while trying to kill Pym).
Enchantress (Amora)
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery 103
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 7
Amora the Enchantress is an Asgardian goddess dedicated to seeking pleasure and power, goals she pursues through her considerable mystical abilities and her supernaturally seductive physical beauty. She has been both a friend and a foe to Asgardian society over the centuries depending upon the circumstances, doing whatever she deems necessary for personal gain. One such scheme brought her into conflict with Thor and led to her being exiled to Earth along with her pawn, the Executioner. They joined Baron Zemo's original Masters of Evil to seek revenge on Thor through the destruction of the Avengers, but the Avengers repeatedly defeated the Masters, who disbanded after Zemo's death. Enchantress persisted in her enmity with the Avengers, though, plaguing the team both alone and in concert with such menaces as Power Man, Ares, Arkon and the Mandarin. She even once manipulated the Avengers into briefly disbanding after she framed them for criminal acts. She has seldom fought the Avengers in recent years, however, since she spends less time on Earth, and she was even Thor's lover for a time when they joined forces against various common threats.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 7 (joined MOE, defeated by Avengers); Avengers 9-10, 15-16 (as member of MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 21-22 (transformed Erik Josten into Power Man; with Power Man, framed Avengers for criminal acts and forced them to disband; exposed and defeated by Avengers; abandoned Power Man); Avengers 38 (with Ares, used Hercules as pawn against Avengers; defeated by Avengers; fell in love with Hercules); Avengers Annual 1 (battled Avengers as ally of the Mandarin); Avengers 83 (posing as the Valkyrie, bewitched female Avengers and other heroines into forming Lady Liberators under her leadership, battling the Avengers and the Masters of Evil; defeated by Scarlet Witch); Avengers 84 (with Arkon, battled Avengers); Avengers 100 (with Ares, conspired to conquer Asgard, Olympus and Earth but defeated by Avengers); Avengers 157 (behind the scenes).
Executioner (Skurge)
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery 103
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 7
Skurge the Executioner was one of the most formidable and feared warriors in all of Asgard, but he frequently fell out of favour due to his alliance with the opportunistic Amora, the Enchantress, whom he loved obsessively. His participation in her plot against Thor led to Skurge and Amora being exiled to Earth, where they became members of Baron Zemo's original Masters of Evil to menace Thor and his fellow Avengers. The Masters disbanded after Zemo's death, and the Executioner deserted the Enchantress for a time since he realized how disdainfully she used him, but he always returned to her side eventually, participating in all manner of sinister plots. Ironically, the Executioner died heroically when he sacrificed his life to help Thor free mortals who had been wrongfully imprisoned in Hel; to the surprise of many, Amora truly mourned Skurge's death. Asgard now remembers him as a hero, and Skurge's spirit resides contentedly in Valhalla, the realm of Asgard's honored dead.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 7 (joined MOE, defeated by Avengers); Avengers 9-10, 15-16 (as member of MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers Annual 1 (battled Avengers as ally of the Mandarin); Avengers 83 (deserted Enchantress); Avengers 157, 249 (behind the scenes); Avengers Annual 16 (battled Thor as member of Grandmaster's Legion of the Unliving).
Fixer II (Paul Norbert Ebersol):
First Appearance: Strange Tales 141 (as Fixer II); Incredible Hulk 449 (as Techno)
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
A phenomenal mechanical genius, the Fixer turned to crime in search of the respect, excitement and material rewards that he felt he could never achieve through mundane honest labour. After a lengthy criminal partnership with Mentallo and a long association with the terrorist group HYDRA, the Fixer sought new challenges by joining Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, and was instrumental in that group's short-lived occupation of Avengers Mansion, during which he was imprisoned and impersonated by the Super-Adaptoid. During his initial stint with the Masters, Fixer became romantically infatuated with his teammate Yellowjacket, but she fought off his subsequent advances with the aid of the Black Knight.
Later, Zemo recruited Fixer for his new Masters of Evil group, which masqueraded as the heroic Thunderbolts team to amass public trust while Zemo plotted world conquest. As Thunderbolts member Techno, the Fixer was indispensable to Zemo's plans, providing most of the team's technology, and continued to serve in that role even after he was killed by the Elements of Doom: he simply downloaded his consciousness into a new mechanical body which he can reshape at will. While most of the Thunderbolts came to relish their new heroic roles and ultimately turned on Zemo, Techno remained loyal to the Baron and escaped with him when the other Thunderbolts thwarted Zemo's attempt at world conquest. Zemo and Techno remain at large.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers Annual 13 (defeated and captured by Captain America in unsuccessful attempt to steal technology from Bruce Banner's lab); Avengers 273-276 (as member of MOE IV, occupied Avengers Mansion); Avengers 277 (captured and replaced by Super-Adaptoid behind the scenes); Avengers 287 (capture revealed); Solo Avengers 12 (freed Yellowjacket from prison and unsuccessfully romanced her; jealously attacked her new love interest, the Black Knight; defeated by Black Knight and Yellowjacket); Avengers Unplugged 4 (attended wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania, encountered Avengers).
Flying Tiger (true name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Spider-Woman 40
Joined Masters of Evil: Thunderbolts 3
A failed football player, the Flying Tiger turned to crime using an armored costume that grants him enhanced strength, increased durability and the power of flight. A high-priced freelance assassin, the Flying Tiger has occasionally fought super-heroes such as the original Spider-Woman and Iron Man. More recently, he joined the new Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil, battling Black Widow and the Thunderbolts. The Flying Tiger and his fellow Masters of Evil remain at large.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers Spotlight 29 (imprisoned in Vault under supervision of Avengers and Fantastic Four).
Gargantua (Edward Cobert)
First Appearance: Defenders 126 (as Leviathan); Avengers Spotlight 28 (as Gargantua)
Joined Masters of Evil: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
A government scientist heading a program to develop new superhumans who would control or eliminate existing superhumans, Edward Cobert subjected himself to his own experiments and became the destructively dimwitted giant dubbed Leviathan. A pawn of the subversive Secret Empire, Leviathan later became a pawn of the Mad Thinker, who gave Cobert the new costumed guise of Gargantua and dispatched him to battle the Wasp and Wonder Man. After that defeat, Gargantua was recruited into Doctor Octopus's new Masters of Evil and helped them invade Avengers headquarters, only to be attacked by the Avengers support staff and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Most of the Masters were defeated and captured, while the remaining ones, including Gargantua, turned on Octopus and fled the scene.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers Spotlight 28 (assumed Gargantua identity as operative of Mad Thinker; attacked and defeated by Wasp and Wonder Man).
Goliath III (Erik Josten)
First Appearance: Avengers 21 (as Power Man); Spectacular Spider-Man 49 (as Smuggler); Iron Man Annual 7 (as Goliath III); Incredible Hulk 449 (as Atlas).
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
Mercenary soldier Erik Josten loyally served Baron Heinrich Zemo until Zemo's death in battle with Captain America. Shortly afterward, Zemo's ally, the Enchantress, seduced Josten into serving her and used Zemo's machines to give Josten superhuman strength and durability, dubbing him Power Man. The two conspired together to destroy the Avengers, but their plot failed and the Enchantress abandoned Josten. The embittered Power Man turned to crime and fought the Avengers repeatedly over the years, both alone and as a founding member of the Lethal Legion, until most of his physical power was leeched away by Count Nefaria.
Briefly turning to more covert criminal activities under the new alias of the Smuggler, Josten eventually sought out criminal scientist Karl Malus in hopes of restoring his power to its peak. Malus did that and more, restoring Josten's superhuman strength and durability while giving him the ability to grow to gigantic size. Dubbing himself Goliath, Josten set out to make his mark on the world as a major super-criminal but was still repeatedly defeated by the Avengers and other heroes despite his augmented power.
As Goliath, Josten joined a new Masters of Evil led by Baron Helmut Zemo, the son and successor of Josten's old mentor. Zemo's new Masters, including Goliath, invaded and occupied Avengers Mansion, holding its occupants hostage. While there, Goliath teamed with several other Masters in a near-fatal beating of Hercules; the Avengers managed to drive the Masters out of the Mansion, though, and Goliath fled. After several more unsuccessful encounters with the Avengers, Josten was abducted by the alien Kosmosians; Giant-Man rescued Josten, but the Kosmosians recaptured him until he was rescued again, this time by Baron Helmut Zemo, earning Zemo Josten's fanatical loyalty.
When the Avengers seemingly died in battle with Onslaught, Josten joined Zemo and other Masters of Evil in masquerading as a new super-heroic team called the Thunderbolts while secretly plotting world domination; however, Josten and most of the other Thunderbolts came to enjoy their new heroic roles and turned against Zemo, thwarting his bid for world domination and rescuing the Avengers in the process. Josten currently remains at large with the Thunderbolts in his heroic guise as Atlas.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 6-7, 15-16 (behind the scenes as member of Zemo's mercenary army); Avengers 21-22 (became lovestruck pawn of Enchantress, who transformed him into Power Man; as Power Man, helped Enchantress frame Avengers for criminal acts and force them to disband; defeated and exposed by Avengers; abandoned by Enchantress); Avengers 29-30 (as Power Man, attacked Avengers with Swordsman and Black Widow; defeated by Hawkeye); Avengers 38 (as Power Man, battled Captain America with Swordsman); Avengers Annual 1 (as Power Man, battled Avengers on behalf of the Mandarin with Swordsman); Avengers 78-79 (as Power Man, became founding member of Grim Reaper's Lethal Legion; with Lethal Legion, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 164, 165 (behind the scenes), 166 (as Power Man, joined Count Nefaria's Lethal Legion; battled and defeated by Avengers; super-strength sapped by Count Nefaria); West Coast Avengers 1-3 (as Goliath, with Grim Reaper's Lethal Legion, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 273-277 (as Goliath, joined MOE IV; as member of MOE IV, occupied Avengers Mansion and beat Hercules nearly to death; battled Avengers and escaped); Avengers: Death Trap, the Vault (as Goliath, participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers West Coast 92 (as Goliath, went on mad rampage in search of Wonder Man; battled Clint Barton for the rights to the Goliath name; defeated by Goliath II and Mockingbird).
Grey Gargoyle (Paul Pierre Duval)
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery 107
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 271
When a lab accident gave him the power to transform anything he touches into stone, chemist Paul Duval embarked on a super-criminal career as the Grey Gargoyle, repeatedly battling heroes such as Thor, the Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man and the Avengers. His lengthy criminal career led to Baron Helmut Zemo recruiting him for the Masters of Evil, but the Gargoyle was captured by the Avengers and Paladin in the course of his first mission with the Masters; however, he has since resumed his solo criminal career.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 190-191 (returned from outer space; battled and captured by Avengers and Daredevil); Avengers 271 (joined MOE IV; with Screaming Mimi, freed Yellowjacket from prison; battled and defeated by Avengers and Paladin); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers Unplugged 1 (tried unsuccessfully to convince Nefarius to free him from the Vault).
Jackhammer (real name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Daredevil 123 (after a cameo in Daredevil 121)
Joined Masters of Evil: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
A costumed criminal whose gauntet-mounted hammers enable him to deliver "jackhammer" punches, Jackhammer first came to prominence as a section leader of the terrorist group Hydra, in charge of their engineering corps. In that capacity, Jackhammer battled the costumed adventurer Daredevil. He has fought various other foes as a freelance costumed criminal since then, recently resurfacing as a member of Doctor Octopus's Masters of Evil. Jackhammer joined these Masters in an ill-fated assault on Avengers Mansion, which ended with his defeat and capture by the Avengers support staff and the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy.
Avengers Appearances: None to date.
Klaw (Ulysses Klaw)
First Appearance: Fantastic Four 53
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 54
A criminal scientist obsessed with the study of sound, Klaw tried to steal the sound-absorbing ore known as vibranium from Wakanda only to be thwarted twice by Wakanda's ruler, the Black Panther. Defeated, Klaw jumped into his own sonic converter and was transformed into a being of living, solidified sound energy capable of mentally manipulating sound as a weapon. Embarking on a career as a super-criminal, Klaw has repeatedly sought revenge on his enemies, the Fantastic Four and the Black Panther. When the Panther joined the Avengers, Klaw joined Ultron's Masters of Evil in an assault on the Avengers. That attack ended in failure, but the Masters later regrouped under Klaw's leadership, only to be defeated by the Avengers and the Lady Liberators. Since then, Klaw has battled the Avengers many times, both alone and in partnership with other criminals. More recently, Klaw joined the latest Masters of Evil group under the leadership of the new Crimson Cowl, battling the Thunderbolts and the Black Widow.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 54-55 (joined MOE II in assault on Avengers; battled and defeated by Black Knight III and Avengers); Avengers 83 (led MOE II in theft thwarted by Avengers; defeated by Lady Liberators); Avengers 87 (behind the scenes); Avengers 126 (with Solarr, kidnapped Avengers; defeated by Black Panther); Avengers Spotlight 26 (with fellow members of Frightful Four, imprisoned at Vault; escaped in mass breakout instigated by Wizard); Avengers Annual 19 (battled Captain Marvel II); Avengers 29 (with Wizard, defeated and reimprisoned in Vault by Iron Man); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers West Coast 93-95 (formed alliance with Doctor Demonicus and the Pacific Overlords, becoming vice-president of their island nation of Demonica; with Demonicus, Overlords and Zvezda Dennista, battled Avengers; accidentally caused sinking of Demonica in battle with Avengers, going down with the island); Avengers Unplugged 4 (with Angar and Screaming Mimi, battled Avengers at wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania).
Man-Killer (Katrina Luisa Van Horn)
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up 8
Joined Masters of Evil: Thunderbolts 3
An Olympic skier until she was crippled by a chauvinistic male rival during a race, Katrina Van Horn was physically rebuilt and retrained under the auspices of a wealthy militant group funded by the terrorist organization AIM. Supplied with a strength-augmenting exo-skeleton, Van Horn became the man-hating costumed assassin known as Man-Killer, later serving as a section chief of the terrorist organization Hydra. She has since operated as a freelance costumed criminal, battling foes such as Spider-Man, the Cat (later Tigra), Iron Man and She-Hulk. She was believed dead for a time but has since resurfaced, as vicious as ever and somehow imbued with natural superhuman strength. Most recently, she has operated as a member of the latest Masters of Evil led by the new Crimson Cowl, battling heroes such as the Black Widow and the Thunderbolts.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 144 (one-panel cameo in flashback to her battle with the Cat and Spider-Man).
Melter (Bruno Horgan)
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense 47
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 6 (founding member)
A failed industrialist, Bruno Horgan accidentally discovered a device that liquefies metal and embarked on a career as a costumed criminal and saboteur. He later improved his melting ray so that it could also liquefy nonmetallic substances, such as wood and flesh. His assaults on business rival Tony Stark's properties brought the Melter into recurring conflict with Stark's alter ego, Iron Man, an enmity that led to the Melter's founding membership in the original Masters of Evil. The Melter fought the Avengers repeatedly as a member of the original Masters and Ultron's subsequent Masters of Evil, but he was defeated and captured every time. Years later, the Melter was plotting a new solo assault on the Avengers when he was assassinated by the vigilante known as the Scourge of the Underworld.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 6 (as founding member of MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 15-16 (as member of MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 54-55 (joined MOE II; as member of MOE II, abducted Avengers; defeated by Avengers and Black Knight III); Avengers 83 (as member of MOE II, battled and defeated by Avengers and Lady Liberators); Avengers 263 (murdered by Scourge).
Mister Hyde (Calvin Zabo)
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery 99
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
A criminal physician who created a chemical that he regarded as the distillation of evil, Calvin Zabo tested the chemical on himself and was transformed into a superhumanly strong, savagely violent man who calls himself Mister Hyde. As Hyde, Zabo has pursued a super-criminal career which brought him into recurring conflict with heroes such as Thor, Daredevil and Captain America. Hyde has formed alliances with a variety of super-criminals, eventually joining Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil. As a member of Zemo's Masters, Hyde helped invade and occupy Avengers Mansion, participating in the near-fatal beating of Hercules and sadistically torturing the Avengers' butler, Edwin Jarvis. The Avengers routed the Masters in the end, but Hyde escaped and remains active as a super-criminal.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 273-277 (joined MOE IV; as member of MOE IV, participated in occupation of Avengers Mansion and beating of Hercules; tortured Edwin Jarvis; escaped Avengers); Avengers Spotlight 26 (escaped Vault during mass breakout instigated by Wizard); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (romanced Nekra; participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers Unplugged 4 (battled Avengers at wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania).
Moonstone II (Doctor Karla Sofen)
First Appearance: Captain America 192 (as Karla Sofen); Incredible Hulk 228 (as Moonstone); Incredible Hulk 449 (as Meteorite)
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 222
A manipulative, self-interested psychiatrist fascinated with the criminal psyche, Karla Sofen got her own criminal start as an accomplice to criminal psychiatrist Doctor Faustus, and later became a super-criminal after forming a symbiotic link with the alien moonstone, which she stole from a super-criminal in her care, the original Moonstone. The stone gave Sofen superhuman strength and durability, the power of flight, the power to generate light (ranging from luminescence to laser beams), and the power to phase through solid matter, powers she used as the new Moonstone, first as an agent of the subversive Corporation and later as a solo super-criminal, battling heroes such as Captain America, the Hulk, Quasar and Spider-Man.
Moonstone first battled the Avengers as a member of Egghead's Masters of Evil, and the two defeats she suffered with that group led to a bitter grudge against the Avengers on her part, a grudge she has pursued both alone and in partnership with other criminals. As a member of Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, she helped invade and occupy Avengers Mansion; the Avengers ultimately routed Zemo's Masters in a series of heated skirmishes, though, one of which ended in Moonstone suffering crippling injuries while fleeing Captain Marvel (the Avenger later known as Photon).
Moonstone eventually recovered and returned to her criminal career as a solo operator, but after her most recent capture she decided to serve out her prison sentence quietly and renounce overt criminal activity; her plans were disrupted, however, when Zemo busted her out of prison against her will and forced her to act as his deputy leader in the Thunderbolts, a new team of Masters of Evil masquerading as super-heroes while secretly plotting world conquest. While the ruthless Moonstone had little or no objection to Zemo's criminal intentions, she did resent being forced into his scheme and was disgusted by his goal of world domination, which she saw as a futile waste of their group's potential; so, when most of the other Thunderbolts grew to like their heroic guises and renounced crime, Moonstone led them in rebelling against Zemo and defeating him, rescuing the Avengers in the process. The Thunderbolts remain fugitives from the law despite their heroic activities, though, and Moonstone is leading them in her heroic guise as Meteorite.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 222 (joined MOE III; as member of MOE III, defeated and captured by Avengers); Avengers 228-230 (as member of MOE III, battled Avengers, abducted Hank Pym and framed Pym for criminal acts; defeated by Pym and captured by Avengers); Avengers 236-238 (with Blackout, escaped Project Pegasus; battled Spider-Man and Avengers); Avengers 270 (stirred up public outrage against the Avengers following their recruitment of Sub-Mariner; exposed and captured by Avengers; joined MOE IV); Avengers 273-277 (as member of MOE IV, occupied Avengers Mansion; battled and defeated by Avengers; severely injured while fleeing Captain Marvel II); Avengers 279 (visited in hospital by Captain Marvel II); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers Unplugged 1 (attacked in the Vault by Nefarius [formerly the original Moonstone], who was defeated by the Avengers; escaped during battle but voluntarily returned to custody).
Oddball (Elton Healy)
First Appearance: Hawkeye 3
Joined Masters of Evil: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
Mad master juggler Elton Healy is better known as Oddball, a costumed criminal, mercenary and assassin who wields throwing spheres, many of which are specially gimmicked with various devices and weapons. Oddball has a recurring enmity with the costumed adventurer Hawkeye and often works in partnership with other criminals, usually as a member of the Death-Throws, a team of criminal jugglers like himself. Oddball briefly served as a member of Doctor Octopus's Masters of Evil and participated in their invasion of Avengers Mansion, but he was defeated and captured in the resultant skirmish with the Avengers support staff and the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers Spotlight 23-25 (with Death-Throws, Brothers Grimm, Mad Dog, Bobcat, Bullet Biker and Razorfist, attacked Hawkeye in unsuccessful attempt to collect bounty placed on Hawkeye's arm by Crossfire; battled and defeated by Hawkeye, Mockingbird and Trick Shot).
Piledriver (Brian Phillip Calusky)
First Appearance: Defenders 17
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
Piledriver is a member of the costumed criminal quartet known as the Wrecking Crew, all of whom have superhuman strength and durability siphoned from the enchanted crowbar of their leader, the Wrecker. The Wrecking Crew first battled the Avengers during the "Secret Wars" when the Beyonder pitted them and other super-criminals against various super-heroes. Later, as members of Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, the Wrecking Crew helped occupy Avengers Mansion and beat Hercules nearly to death. The Avengers ultimately defeated the Masters, though, and Piledriver was disempowered and captured. Piledriver has since regained his superhuman power and is once more active with the rest of the Wrecking Crew.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 273-277 (with Wrecking Crew, joined MOE IV in occupying Avengers Mansion and beating Hercules nearly to death; defeated, disempowered and captured by Avengers); Avengers Unplugged 4 (with Wrecking Crew, battled Avengers at wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania).
Powderkeg (real name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Captain Marvel Special 1
Joined Masters of Evil: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
A costumed criminal possessed of an abnormally large, near-invulnerable physique, Powderkeg also secretes nitroglycerin through his skin, which causes explosions whenever his body strikes anything with sufficient force. This allows him to throw explosive punches, for instance. Powderkeg first appeared when Captain Marvel ( the Avenger now known as Photon) thwarted his attempt to steal some valuable technology on behalf of a criminal employer. Since then, Powderkeg has also battled the Avengers during a failed mass escape at the prison for superhumans known as the Vault. Most recently, Powderkeg joined Doctor Octopus's Masters of Evil and participated in their invasion of Avengers Mansion, but he was defeated and captured in the resultant skirmish with the Avengers support staff and the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force).
Puff Adder (Gordon "Gordo" Fraley)
First Appearance: Captain America 337
Joined Masters of Evil: Guardians of the Galaxy 28
A superhumanly strong costumed criminal capable of increasing his bodily size and mass at will, Puff Adder can also emit a highly acidic gas from his mouth. He infiltrated the criminal Serpent Society on behalf of the Viper, and remained a member of the snake-styled mercenary group after Viper's takeover of the Society was thwarted by various parties. Puff Adder briefly moonlighted as a member of Doctor Octopus's Masters of Evil, participating in their invasion of Avengers Mansion and their resultant conflict with the Avengers support staff and the Guardians of the Galaxy; however, Puff Adder soon tired of Octopus's leadership and turned on him, prompting the Masters' retreat. Puff Adder has since returned to the Serpent Society.
Avengers Appearances: None to date.
Radioactive Man (Chen Lu)
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery 93
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 6 (founding member)
A Chinese scientist who mutated himself into a radioactive super-being in pursuit of personal power, Chen Lu claimed to be a selfless agent of communist China and tested his abilities by attacking the communists' sometime adversary, Thor. After his defeat by Thor, Radioactive Man became an independent super-criminal and repeatedly battled Thor and the Avengers, both alone and as a member of the first three incarnations of the Masters of Evil. Radioactive Man has also battled other heroes, such as Iron Man and Spider-Man. For a time, Radioactive Man made a brief attempt to reclaim his status as a communist "hero" by joining the communist super-team known as the Titanic Three, but that group battled the Avengers unsuccessfully and soon disbanded. Radioactive Man's body constantly generates radiation which he can manipulate for a variety of effects, including augmented strength, radiation projection, radiation absorption, intense heat, impenetrable force fields, blinding light and hypnotic luminescence.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 6 (as founding member of MOE, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 54-55 (joined MOE II; as member of MOE II, battled and defeated by Avengers and Black Knight III); Avengers 83 (as member of MOE II, battled and defeated by Avengers and Lady Liberators); Avengers 130 (joined Titanic Three; with Titanic Three and Slasher, battled Avengers); Giant-Size Avengers 4 (as member of Titanic Three, stalked Avengers and defeated by Kang); Avengers 228-230 (as member of MOE III, battled Avengers, abducted Henry Pym and framed Pym for criminal acts; defeated by Pym and captured by Avengers); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (helped Avengers prevent nuclear disaster at the Vault).
Scorpion (MacDonald "Mac" Gargan)
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 19 (as Mac Gargan); Amazing Spider-Man 21 (as Scorpion)
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 222
A private detective employed by newspaper publisher J. Jonah Jameson, "Mac" Gargan volunteered to serve as the highly paid test subject in an experiment sponsored by Jameson, an experiment designed to create a superhuman capable of battling the vigilante adventurer Spider-Man, whom Jameson detests. Scientist Harlan Stilwell did succeed in granting Gargan superhuman strength, speed, endurance and agility, and Gargan adopted a special outfit whose mechanical tail inspired his new costumed alias as the Scorpion. The Scorpion did prove a match for Spider-Man as Jameson hoped, but Stilwell's treatments also drove Gargan criminally insane, so that the Scorpion became a menace in his own right, one from which Spider-Man had to rescue Jameson. Stilwell died in an unsuccessful attempt to restore Gargan's sanity, and Gargan has been active as the super-criminal Scorpion ever since. Seeking criminal gain and revenge on his enemies, Scorpion has repeatedly battled Spider-Man for years but occasionally encounters other heroes as well. On one such occasion, he joined Egghead's Masters of Evil long enough to be defeated and recaptured by the Avengers. Since then, Scorpion has been mostly a solo criminal.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 222 (joined MOE III; as member of MOE III, defeated and captured by Avengers).
Screaming Mimi (Melissa Gold, alias Mimi Schwartz)
First Appearance: Marvel Two-In-One 54
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 271
Melissa Gold was a troubled runaway from a broken home who found security in a new life as costumed pro wrestler Screaming Mimi, a member of the Grapplers. When Mimi and her fellow Grapplers were hired by Roxxon Oil to infiltrate and subvert Project Pegasus, Roxxon scientists altered Mimi's vocal cords so that she could produce mentally disorienting and physically painful reactions in other people by screaming; despite this new power, she was defeated and captured by the Project's security chief, Quasar. Mimi and her fellow Grapplers continued to dabble in crime thereafter, repeatedly battling heroes such as the Thing, Captain America, Paladin and Hawkeye. Recruited into Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, Mimi helped bust Yellowjacket out of prison but was captured in a subsequent battle with the Wasp and Paladin. Later, she formed a romantic and criminal partnership with the similarly empowered Angar the Screamer, but she went mad with grief and burned out her screaming power after he was shot dead by the police.
Zemo found Mimi and nursed her back to health, and Zemo's accomplice, the Fixer, constructed a new voice-augmenting harness for Mimi with which she could create objects of solidified sound. With her newly transformed powers, Mimi adopted the new identity of Songbird as a member of the Thunderbolts, a group of Masters of Evil posing as celebrated super-heroes while Zemo secretly plotted world conquest. Songbird and most of the other Thunderbolts came to enjoy their new heroic roles, though, and they turned on Zemo, defeating him and rescuing the Avengers from him in the process. Songbird remains an active member of the Thunderbolts, who currently remain at large.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 271 (joined MOE IV; with Grey Gargoyle, freed Yellowjacket from prison; defeated and captured by Avengers and Paladin); Avengers Spotlight 28-29 (formed criminal partnership and romantic relationship with Angar the Screamer; with Angar, committed series of robberies in Denver while impersonating Hawkeye and Mockingbird; defeated and captured by Hawkeye and Mockingbird; imprisoned in Vault under supervision of Avengers and Fantastic Four); Avengers Unplugged 4 (with Angar and Klaw, battled Avengers at wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania).
Shocker (Herman Schultz)
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 46
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 228
A costumed thief and mercenary who wields vibratory compressed-air blasters of his own design, the Shocker has frequently come into conflict with various super-heroes, most often Spider-Man. The Shocker briefly served as a member of Egghead's Masters of Evil, but was captured during his first battle with the Avengers and gladly testified against the Masters after learning that they planned his capture so that he could provide unwittingly false testimony against their enemy, Henry Pym. Later, the Shocker joined Doctor Octopus's Masters of Evil in an assault on Avengers Mansion, but the Masters retreated when the Shocker and other Masters turned against Octopus after a battle with the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy. The Shocker has continued his criminal career since then, both alone and in partnership with various other superhuman criminals.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 228-229 (joined MOE III; as member of MOE III, defeated and captured by Avengers).
Thunderball (Doctor Eliot Franklin)
First Appearance: Defenders 17
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
Thunderball is a member of the costumed criminal quartet known as the Wrecking Crew, all of whom have superhuman strength and durability siphoned from the enchanted crowbar of their leader, the Wrecker. The Wrecking Crew first battled the Avengers during the "Secret Wars" when the Beyonder pitted them and other super-criminals against various super-heroes. Later, as members of Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, the Wrecking Crew helped occupy Avengers Mansion and beat Hercules nearly to death. The Avengers ultimately defeated the Masters, though, and Thunderball was disempowered and captured. Thunderball has since regained his superhuman power and is once more active with the rest of the Wrecking Crew.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 273-277 (with Wrecking Crew, joined MOE IV; as member of MOE IV, occupied Avengers Mansion and beat Hercules nearly to death; defeated, disempowered and captured by Avengers); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; helped Avengers prevent nuclear disaster at the Vault; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers Unplugged 4 (with Wrecking Crew, battled Avengers at wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania).
Tiger Shark (Todd Arliss)
First Appearance: Sub-Mariner 5
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 222
A champion swimmer crippled in an accident, Todd Arliss turned to criminal scientist Doctor Dorcas to restore his athletic ability; Dorcas did so through an experimental process that left Arliss a superhumanly strong amphibious man, but the process also left Arliss mentally unstable. Adopting the new identity of Tiger Shark, Arliss embarked on a career as a super-criminal, frequently battling the Sub-Mariner, whom Dorcas had used as an unwilling participant in Arliss's transformation. Arliss's other major enemy is the aquatic adventurer Stingray, Walter Newell, an ally of Namor's who married Arliss's sister, Diane. Tiger Shark has battled the Avengers on several occasions as a member of the third and fourth incarnations of the Masters of Evil. For a time, he had reformed to some extent under the influence of his new bride Tamara, but her death ended that and Tiger Shark has since degenerated into a more physically monstrous and mentally unstable state, becoming little more than an animalistic killing machine. He was recently recruited into the latest Masters of Evil led by the new Crimson Cowl, battling the Black Widow and the Thunderbolts.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 222 (joined MOE III; with MOE III, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 228-230 (as member of MOE III, battled Avengers, abducted Hank Pym and framed Pym for criminal acts; defeated and captured by Pym and Avengers); Avengers 273-274 (as member of MOE IV, participated in occupation of Avengers Mansion and near-fatal beating of Hercules); Avengers 275-277 (behind the scenes); West Coast Avengers 16 (with Whirlwind, tried to steal psycho-circuit on behalf of MOE IV; defeated and captured by Hellcat and Tigra).
Titania II (Mary "Skeeter" MacPherran)
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars 3
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 270
A homely, insecure young woman transformed into a super-strong powerhouse through the science of Doctor Doom, Titania joined Doom and his allies in battling the Avengers and other heroes on the Beyonder's Battleworld. Intoxicated by her new physique and the raw power that came with it, Titania quickly became a vicious bully who enjoyed using her power for criminal acts. During the "Secret Wars" on Battleworld, she met and fell in love with Absorbing Man, a fellow super-criminal whom she eventually married. The couple have battled many super-heroes together, and Titania's bitterest enemies include She-Hulk and Spider-Man. Titania and Absorbing Man have also assaulted Avengers Mansion twice as members of the fourth and fifth Masters of Evil under Baron Helmut Zemo and Doctor Octopus, respectively. The larcenous lovers have laid low of late since their marriage, toying with reformation, but Titania has little taste for the quiet life and they periodically return to crime.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 270, 273, 275 (as member of MOE III, occupied Avengers Mansion; battled and defeated by Avengers and Ant-Man II); Solo Avengers 14 (attacked and defeated by She-Hulk); Avengers Spotlight 26, 29 (as member of Frightful Four, imprisoned in Vault; escaped and recaptured; reimprisoned in Vault under supervision of Avengers and Fantastic Four); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers Unplugged 4 (married to Absorbing Man; wedding interrupted by Avengers).
First Appearance: Avengers 54
Founded second Masters of Evil: Avengers 54
A robot created by Avengers founder Henry Pym, Ultron somehow developed a malevolent consciousness defined by a hatred of Pym and, by extension, hatred of the Avengers and all humanity, whom Ultron regards as inferior. As such, Ultron has repeatedly attempted to destroy Pym, the Avengers and the entire human race, sometimes in concert with human villains such as the Masters of Evil. Ironically, Ultron's own creations--his robotic mates Jocasta and Alkhema, and his android servant the Vision--have all turned against him over the years; Jocasta and Vision even joined the Avengers. The Avengers and other heroes have repeatedly destroyed Ultron over the years, but he inevitably reconstructs himself in a more advanced form and returns to menace the world anew.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 54-55 (as Ultron-5, alias Crimson Cowl, formed MOE II in unsuccessful attempt to destroy Avengers); Avengers 57-58 (as Ultron-5, created Vision II as a weapon to use against Avengers; destroyed by Vision II; revealed to be a rogue creation of Henry Pym obsessed with destroying humanity in general and Pym in particular); Avengers 66-68 (reactivated as Ultron-6; incorporated the super-metal adamantium into his robotic body; destroyed by Avengers); Avengers 127 (reactivated as Ultron-7; disrupted wedding of Quicksilver and Crystal in Attilan); Avengers 134-135 (Ultron-5 depicted in flashbacks to the Vision's origins); Avengers 161-162 (reactivated as Ultron-8; created robotic mate, Jocasta, who turned against him; defeated by Avengers); Avengers 170 (behind the scenes); Avengers 171 (battled and deactivated by Avengers; rejected by Jocasta); Avengers 201-202 (reactivated as Ultron-9, deactivated by Avengers); Avengers: Emperor Doom (temporarily brainwashed by Sub-Mariner and Purple Man into serving Doctor Doom); West Coast Avengers 1-2 (as Ultron-12, with Grim Reaper's Lethal Legion, abducted Hank Pym and Wonder Man; defeated by Avengers); West Coast Avengers 6-7 (Ultron-12 evolved beyond its hatred of Pym and humanity, reconciling with Pym; Ultron-12 destroyed by reactivated Ultron-11; Ultron 11 destroyed by Wonder Man); Avengers 280 (revealed to have mind-controlled Edwin Jarvis into working with MOE II); Avengers West Coast 65-68 (as Ultron-13, conspired to "robotize" humanity into his "androne" slaves; with Grim Reaper, defeated by Avengers); Avengers West Coast 89-91 (evolved into "ultimate" Ultron, escaped Vault, created robotic bride Alkhema and conspired with her to massacre humanity; with Alkhema, defeated by Avengers and hurled into outer space); Avengers West Coast Annual 8 (conspired to wipe out humanity; plans thwarted by Alkhema and Avengers; captured by Avengers).
Whirlwind (David Cannon)
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish 50 (as Human Top II); Avengers 46 (as Whirlwind)
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 54
A costumed criminal gifted with the mutant ability to move at superhuman speeds and spin with tornado-like velocity, David Cannon began his super-criminal career as the Human Top, battling Giant-Man (Hank Pym) and the Wasp. Later, in his new identity as the Whirlwind, Cannon continued to attack Pym, the Wasp and their fellow Avengers, both alone and as a member of the second Masters of Evil; during the same period, Cannon adopted a cover identity as the Wasp's chauffeur, Charles Matthews, enabling Whirlwind to plot against the Avengers right under their noses. Pym eventually exposed Matthews as the Whirlwind, though, finally capturing him for the first time with the aid of the Beast. Since then, Whirlwind has pursued his obsessive desire for revenge against Pym, Wasp and the other Avengers by attacking them as a member of Count Nefaria's Lethal Legion, Egghead's Masters of Evil and Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, meeting defeat each time.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 46 (adopted Whirlwind identity, attacked Avengers and escaped; as Charles Matthews, became Wasp's chauffeur); Avengers 54-55 (joined MOE II; with MOE II, battled Avengers and Black Knight III; escaped); Avengers 83 (with MOE II, battled and defeated by Avengers and Lady Liberators); Avengers 139 (battled Avengers while stalking Wasp; exposed as "Charles Matthews"; captured by Yellowjacket and Beast); Avengers Annual 6 (escaped prison; recaptured by Vision II); Avengers 164 (as member of Count Nefaria's Lethal Legion, battled and defeated by Avengers; powers siphoned by Count Nefaria); Avengers 222 (as member of MOE III, battled and defeated by Avengers); Avengers 271 (escape from prison reported; joined MOE IV behind the scenes); West Coast Avengers 16 (with Tiger Shark, stole psycho-circuit on behalf of MOE IV; defeated and captured by Hank Pym, Hellcat and Tigra); Avengers Spotlight 26 (defeated by Iron Man while trying to escape the Vault).
Wrecker III (Dirk Garthwaite)
First Appearance: Thor 148
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 273
The Wrecker was a costumed criminal with a penchant for senseless vandalism, a penchant he was able to indulge to extremes after the Asgardian sorceress Karnilla mistakenly imbued him with superhuman strength and durability. This led to several battles with Thor, one of which stripped the Wrecker of his power. Escaping prison with three confederates, the Wrecker used his crowbar (enchanted by Karnilla) to restore his superhuman power, sharing the power with his three confederates, who joined Wrecker in forming a criminal team as the Wrecking Crew. The Wrecker and the rest of the Wrecking Crew have repeatedly battled heroes such as Thor, Captain America and Spider-Man, and eventually fought the assembled Avengers when both teams were forced into battle by the Beyonder during the "Secret Wars". Later, the Wrecking Crew joined Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, participating in the occupation of Avengers Mansion and the near-fatal beating of Hercules; the Avengers ultimately routed the Masters, but the Wrecker escaped and has since resumed his criminal activities, both alone and as the leader of the Wrecking Crew.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 273-274, 276-277 (as member of Wrecking Crew, joined MOE IV; as member of MOE IV, helped occupy Avengers Mansion and beat Hercules nearly to death; defeated by Avengers and fled); Avengers 275 (behind the scenes); Avengers Spotlight 27 (battled Iron Man); Avengers Annual 19 (attacked Avengers headquarters during its reconstruction; subdued by construction workers); Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault (participated in attempted mass breakout at the Vault, the U.S. prison for superhumans; battled and recaptured by Avengers and Freedom Force); Avengers Unplugged 4 (attended wedding of Absorbing Man and Titania as best man; battled Avengers).
Yellowjacket II (Rita DeMara)
First Appearance: Avengers 264
Joined Masters of Evil: Avengers 271
Petty thief Rita DeMara became a super-criminal when she stole Henry Pym's Yellowjacket costuming and equipment for her own use, leading to defeat and imprisonment at the hands of the Wasp. Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil recruited DeMara into their ranks after freeing her from jail, and she reluctantly participated in their occupation of Avengers Mansion, uncomfortable with the ruthlessness of her fellow Masters but afraid to oppose them. She surrendered peacefully to the authorities when the Avengers liberated the Mansion, and remained in prison until fellow Masters veteran the Fixer busted her out, hoping to form a romantic and criminal partnership with her. Yellowjacket rejected his advances and abandoned her grudge against the Wasp after developing a crush on Wasp's teammate, Black Knight, teaming with him to defeat the jealous Fixer. Later, she even acted as an honorary member of the Avengers by fighting alongside the team against the High Evolutionary.
Presumably unaware of Yellowjacket's budding reformation, Doctor Octopus recruited her into his Masters of Evil for an assault on Avengers Mansion, and Yellowjacket helped the visiting Guardians of the Galaxy defeat these new Masters. Intrigued by the Guardians and eager to make a fresh start, Yellowjacket accompanied the Guardians back to their own 31st century time period and joined their ranks, but eventually returned to the twentieth century and tried to make contact with the Avengers; upon returning to her own time, though, she was promptly murdered by an individual who seemed to be Iron Man. The true identity and motivations of her murderer remain unrevealed.
Avengers Appearances: Avengers 264 (stole Hank Pym's Yellowjacket costuming and equipment, using it to become the new Yellowjacket; battled and captured by Wasp); Avengers 271 (freed from jail and recruited by MOE IV; escaped Avengers and Paladin); Avengers 273-277 (as member of MOE IV, participated in occupation of Avengers Mansion; surrendered peacefully to Avengers during Masters' defeat); Solo Avengers 12 (freed from jail by Fixer but rejected his romantic advances; abandoned plans of revenge on Wasp; romantically pursued Black Knight III; teamed with Black Knight to defeat Fixer); Avengers Annual 17 (responding to a call for the original Yellowjacket, acted as honorary member of the Avengers by helping them battle the High Evolutionary); Avengers: The Crossing (returned from 31st century and sought out Avengers only to be seemingly murdered by Iron Man); Avengers: Timeslide (glimpsed by Avengers in time transit prior to her death).
Special thanks to Kurt Busiek for generously providing information vital to the Jackhammer and Man-Killer entries. Kurt writes Avengers, Iron Man and Thunderbolts for Marvel Comics, in addition to his creator-owned series Astro City. Thanks also go to my beautiful and patient wife, Carol Schneider, who graciously puts up with the time I spend on this weirdness.