Avengers at a Glance
By Sean McQuaid
Trying to remember when characters like Hellcat or Sandman joined the Avengers? Wondering when the group fought, say, the Kallusians or the Legion of the Unliving or the Weathermen? Sifting though your collection or the back issue bins in search of a particular story? If so, this resource is for you. I'd been meaning to concoct something like this for years by the time I finally got around to it--a list of all the comics title-featuring the Avengers, with super-concise notes on the basic events of each issue, not unlike the format used by many comic book price guides. Included here are listings for the various Avengers ongoing series: Avengers (all three series), Avengers Annual, Giant-Size Avengers, West Coast Avengers, West Coast Avengers Annual, Avengers West Coast, Avengers West Coast Annual and Avengers Unplugged, plus various Avengers limited series and one-shots. Uniform abbreviations are used for brevity's sake, so here's a made-up sample entry to give you an idea of how to read this list:
403 V: Aunt JeMimic; A: Waffle Woman; J: Texas Twister and Shooting Star; Q: Hercules; R: Hellcat; 1: Chartreuse Bumblebee; D: USAgent
Okay, according to the above entry, Avengers 403 features Aunt JeMimic as the story's villain (ìVî); Waffle Woman's first appearance with the team (ìAî, a notation generally reserved for significant characters, mostly those who go on to join the group or become close recurring allies); Texas Twister and Shooting Star joining the Avengers (ìJî); Hercules quitting the Avengers (ìQî); Hellcat returning to the Avengers (ìRî); the Chartreuse Bumblebee's first apperance anywhere (ì1î); and the death of the USAgent (ìDî). Most of the notes in this list fall under those seven abbreviated headings, though additional notes that don't really fall into any particular category are also added in a few spots where appropriate.
There are two major exceptions to this system: one-shots (which I cover in capsule accounts of their basic plots) and Solo Avengers (later renamed Avengers Spotlight), a series which featured a variety of Avengers characters on a rotating basis but seldom featured the Avengers as a team. A sample entry from this series reads as follows:
Avengers Spotlight
23 F: Hawkeye/Vision II; V: Mad Dog, Bobcat, Bullet Biker, Death-Throws/Smog Alert; G: Trick Shot/AWC
So according to that, Avengers Spotlight # 23 featured (ìFî) a Hawkeye story and a Vision story; the villains (ìVî) Hawkeye faced were Mad Dog, Bobcat, Bullet Biker and the Death-Throws; the villains Vision faced were Smog Alert; guest appearances (ìGî) in the Hawkeye story included Trick Shot; and guest appearances in the Vision story included the AWC.
Incidentally, you'll notice that characters in this text and related documents sometimes have Roman numerals after their name, like Vision II. This simply indicates that the character in question isn't the first significant character to use that name. Vision II is the second Marvel character to be known as the Vision, Black Knight III is the third Marvel character to be known as the Black Knight, and so on.
1 V: Loki; J: Thor, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Wasp, Hulk II and Rick Jones; A: Fantastic Four
2 V: Space Phantom; Q: Hulk II.
3 V: Hulk II and Sub-Mariner; A: Spider-Man and X-Men
4 V: Sub-Mariner and D'Bari; J: Captain America.
5 V: Lava Men
6-7 V: Masters of Evil
8 V: Kang
9 V: Masters of Evil; 1 & A: Wonder Man
10 V: Masters of Evil and Immortus
11 V: Kang; A: Spider-Man
12 V: Mole Man and Red Ghost
13 V: Count Nefaria
14 V: Kallusians and the Yirbek
15 V: Masters of Evil
16 V: Masters of Evil; J: Hawkeye, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch; Q: Thor, Iron Man, Giant-Man (formerly Ant-Man) and Wasp; A: Edwin Jarvis.
17 V: Mole Man, Leader and Minotaur
18 V: Commissar
19-20 V: Mandarin and Swordsman; 1 & J & Q: Swordsman
21-22 V: Enchantress and Power Man
23-24 V: Kang
25 V: Doctor Doom
26-27 V: Attuma
28 V: Collector; R: Goliath (formerly Giant-Man) and Wasp
29-30 V: Black Widow II, Power Man and Swordsman; A: Black Widow II
30-31 V: Prince Rey and Keeper of the Flame
32-33 V: Sons of the Serpent; 1: Bill Foster
34-35 V: Living Laser
36-37 V: Ixar and the Ultroids
38 V: Enchantress; A: Hercules
39 V: Mad Thinker and Triumvirate of Terror
40 V: Sub-Mariner
41-42 V: Diablo and Dragon Man
43-44 V: Red Guardian II, Colonel Ling and Doctor Yen.
45 V: Super-Adaptoid; J: Hercules
46 V: Whirlwind
47-49 V: Magneto; 1 & A: Black Knight III; Q: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch
50 V: Typhon; Q: Hercules
51 V: Collector; A: Black Panther
52 V: Grim Reaper; J: Black Panther
53 V: Magneto, A: X-Men (including Beast)
54-55 V: Ultron and Masters of Evil
56 V: Baron Zemo
57 V: Ultron; 1 & A: Vision II
58 J: Vision II
59-60 V: Circus of Crime
61 V: Surtur and Ymir
62 V: Man-Ape
63-65 V: Egghead, Mad Thinker, Puppet Master and Swordsman
66-68 V: Ultron
69-71 V: Kang, Grandmaster and Squadron Sinister; A: Invaders; J: Black Knight III
72 V: Zodiac; A: Captain Marvel
73-74 V: Sons of the Serpent
75-76 V: Arkon; Q: Yellowjacket (formerly Goliath) and Wasp; R: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch
77 V: Cornelius Van Lunt, Kronus and Split-Second Squad
78-79 V: Lethal Legion
80-82 V: Cornelius Van Lunt and Zodiac; A: Red Wolf III and Daredevil
83 V: Enchantress and Masters of Evil
84 V: Enchantress and Arkon
85-86 V: Brain-Child; 1&A: Squadron Supreme
87 Q: Black Panther
88 V: Psyklop; A: Falcon II
89-97 (ìKree-Skrull Warî) V: Ronan, Sentry, Annihilus, Super-Skrull, Kree, Skrulls, Supreme Intelligence, Maximus; A: Captain Marvel, Inhumans
98-100 V: Ares and Enchantress
101 V: Leonard Tippit
102-104 V: Grim Reaper and Sentinels; Q: Quicksilver
105 V: Savage Land Mutates; R: Black Panther
106-108 V: Space Phantom, Grim Reaper and HYDRA
109 V: Imus Champion; Q: Hawkeye
110-111 V: Magneto; J: Black Widow II
112 V: Lion God; Q: Black Widow; 1: Mantis
113 V: Living Bombs
114 V: Lion God; R: Swordsman; A: Mantis
115-118 (ìAvengers-Defenders Clashî) V: Loki and Dormammu, Troglodytes, Sunfire; A: Defenders
119 V: Collector
120-123 V: Zodiac
123-124 V: Star-Stalker
125 V: Thanos
126 V: Klaw and Solarr; Q: Captain America and Black Panther
127 V: Ultron
128 V: Necrodamus
128-129 V: Kang
130 V: Slasher II and Titanic Three
131-132 V: Kang and Legion of Unliving
133-135 V: none (histories of Mantis and Vision); A: Moondragon
137-138 V: Toad; R: Yellowjacket and Wasp; A: Beast
139 V: Whirlwind; Patsy Walker cameo
140-144/147-149 V: Brand, Roxxon, Kang, Buzz Baxter, Squadron Supreme, Serpent Crown and Orka; A: Two-Gun Kid (later a member); A: Patsy Walker; 1 & A: Hellcat (formerly Patsy Walker)
145-146 V: Assassin
150-151 Q: Thor; J: Beast; J: Hellcat and Moondragon
152 V: Black Talon II
153 V: Living Laser and Serpent Crown; R: Whizzer
154-156 V: Doctor Doom, Attuma, Lord Arno and Tyrak
157 V: Black Knight statue
158-159 V: Graviton; R: Black Panther and Thor
160 V: Grim Reaper
161-162 V: Ultron; 1 & A: Jocasta
163 V: Typhon; A: Champions
164-166 V: Count Nefaria and Lethal Legion
167-168 V: Porcupine, Korvac, Carina and Collector; A: Guardians of the Galaxy and Gyrich
169 V: Jason Beere
170-171 V: Ultron; A: Ms. Marvel; R: Jocasta
172-177 V: Korvac, Carina and Collector; R: Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Hercules, Captain Marvel, Black Widow II, Whizzer, Moondragon and Two-Gun Kid; Q: Whizzer and Two-Gun Kid.
178 V: Manipulator
179-180 V: Stinger II and Monolith; A: Bloodhawk
181-182 V: Gyrich, Django Maximoff; most members forced off active roster
183-184 V: Absorbing Man; J: Ms. Marvel
185-187 V: Chthon and Modred; J: Falcon II
188 V: Elements of Doom
189 V: Deathbird
190-191 V: Grey Gargoyle and Gyrich
192-193 V: Inferno II
194 J: Wonder Man; Q: Falcon
195-196 V: Taskmaster; A: Ant-Man II
197-199 V: Red Ronin
200 V: Marcus Immortus; Q: Ms. Marvel
201-202 V: Ultron
203 V: Crawlers
204-205 V: Yellow Claw
206 V: Thermal Man
207-208 V: Berserker
209 V: Devlunn
210 V: Samarobryn and the Weathermen
211 V: Moondragon; Q: Scarlet Witch, Vision II, Beast, Wonder Man and Jocasta; R: Yellowjacket; A: Moon Knight; J: Tigra
212 V: Elfqueen and Gorn
213 V&Q: Yellowjacket
214 V: Ghost Rider IV
215-216 V: Molecule Man; Q: Tigra; A: Silver Surfer
217 V: Egghead and Mechano-Marauder
218 V: Morgan MacNeil Hardy, Andy and Tepper
219-220 V: Moondragon
221 V: Mechano-Marauder; R: Hawkeye; J: She-Hulk
222 V: Egghead and Masters of Evil
223 V: Taskmaster
224 V: Egghead
225-226 V: Fomor; A: Doctor Druid
227 V: Egghead and Plantman; J: Captain Marvel II
228-230 V: Egghead and Masters of Evil; Q: Iron Man
231-232 V: Plantman; J: Starfox
233 V: Annihilus; R: Vision II and Scarlet Witch.
234 V: Scarlet Witch origin
235 V: Wizard
236-238 V: Blackout, Moonstone II, Electro, Rhino, Lava Men.
239 V: Mechano-Marauder; A: Mockingbird
240-241 V: Morgan Le Fay; A: Shroud
242-243 V: Beyonder, Immortus and ISAAC; Q: She-Hulk
244-245 V: Dire Wraiths
246-250 V: Maelstrom, Deathurge and Surtur; R: Hercules
251 V: Baron Brimstone; A: Paladin
252 V: Blood Brothers; R: Black Knight III
253 V: Quasimodo and ISAAC
254 V: ISAAC and Immortus
255-261 V: Nebula, Terminus, Skrulls and Beyonder; A: Firelord; Q: Vision II and Scarlet Witch, Starfox.
262 J: Sub-Mariner; A: Stingray
263 V: Enclave, Melter and Scourge
264 V: Yellowjacket II
265-266 V: Beyonder
267-269 V: Kang
270 V: Moonstone II, Masters of Evil
271 V: Masters of Evil
272 V: Attuma; Q: Sub-Mariner; A: Marrina
273-277 V: Masters of Evil; R: Thor; A: Doctor Druid
278 V: Tyrak; Q: Wasp; R: She-Hulk
279 J: Doctor Druid
280 Jarvis spotlight
281-285 V: Zeus and the Olympian Gods; Q: Hercules
286-290 V: Super-Adaptoid and Heavy Metal; A: Machine Man
291-293 V: Leviathan; D: Marrina
294-297 V: Terminatrix; Q: Thor, Black Knight III, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel II and Doctor Druid.
298-300 (ìInfernoî) V: Nanny, Orphan-Maker, N'astirh; R: Captain, Thor; J: Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman and Gilgamesh.
301-303 V: Supernova; A: Quasar
304 V: Puma and U-Foes
305-307 V: Lava Men; Q: Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman; J: Firebird and Quasar III (both officially); mass meeting of all available past and present Avengers; new reservist policy.
308-310 V: Blastaar; A: Sersi; Q: Gilgamesh
311-313 (ìActs of Vengeanceî) V: Loki, Doctor Doom, Freedom Force, Mandarin and Wizard
314-318 V: Nebula and the Stranger; J: Sersi; J&Q: Spider-Man
319-324 (ìThe Crossing Lineî) V: Peace Corpse/Combine and People's Protectorate; J: Stingray
325 V: Skeleton Crew
326-331 V: Surge, LD 50, Tetrachs of Entropy, Ngh the Unspeakable; J: Rage and Sandman; R: Black Widow II, She-Hulk, Hercules, Black Knight III, Captain Marvel II, Falcon II, Spider-Man.
332-333 V: Doctor Doom
334-339 (ìCollection Obsessionî) V: Brethren and Collector; J: Crystal
340 V: Itzhak Berditchev
341-342 V: Sons of the Serpent; Q: Rage; A: Marvel Boy III and Firestar
343-344 V: Gatherers; A: Swordsman II and Magdalene (as adversaries)
345-347 (ìOperation: Galactic Stormî) V: Supreme Intelligence, Kree and Shi'ar
348 D: Miles Lipton
349 V: Ares & Hera
350-351 V: Starjammers; R: Binary
352-354 V: Grim Reaper
355-357 V: Gatherers
358-359 V: Arkon and Thundra
360-363 V: Gatherers
364-366 V: Kree; A: Deathcry
367 quiet time, Vision spotlight
368-369 (ìBlood Tiesî) V: Exodus and Fabian Cortez; R: Quicksilver
370-371 V: Deviants
372-375 V: Gatherers; Q: Black Knight III and Sersi
376 Crystal spotlight
377 Quicksilver spotlight
378-379 V: Kree, Mephisitoid and Alabar
380-382 V: Exodus
383 Fantastic Force
384 V: Zeus and Hera
385-388 V: Red Skull, AIM
389 V: Gyrich
390-395 (ìThe Crossingî) V: Kang, Mantis, Neut, Iron Man and the Twins; R: Thor, Wasp, Captain America, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision; D: Gilgamesh, Yellowjacket II, Marilla, Iron Man; J: Masque and Iron Boy (teen Iron Man).
396 V: Zodiac
397-399 V: various; Q: Masque
400 V: Loki
401-402 V: Onslaught
Avengers (v2)
1-12 (ìHeroes Rebornî) Adventures in the Franklinverse
13 (crossover with Wildstorm characters)
Avengers (v3)
1-3 V: Morgan Le Fay; A: Justice and Firestar; R: Thor, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Wasp, Rick Jones, Captain America, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hercules, Black Panther, Vision II, Black Knight III, Black Widow II, Beast, Moondragon, Binary, Falcon II, Wonder Man, Tigra, She-Hulk, Photon, Starfox, Sub-Mariner, Firebird, D-Man, USAgent, Quasar III, Sersi, Stingray, Rage, Sandman, Machine Man, Spider-Woman II, Living Lightning, Crystal, Darkhawk, Swordsman II and Magdalene; Q: Hulk, War Machine, Thing, Moon Knight, Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and Spider-Man; team reunites after Onslaught disbanding.
Avengers Annual
1 V: Mandarin, Power Man, Swordsman, Enchantress, Executioner, Living Laser and Ultimo; R: Thor and Iron Man
2 V: Scarlet Centurion
6 V: Living Laser, Serpent Crown, Nuklo and Whirlwind; A: Wonder Man and Whizzer
7 V: Thanos; D: Adam Warlock
8 V: Doctor Spectrum II
9 V: Arsenal and Mistress
10 V: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants II
11 V: Nebulon and Supernalia
12 V: Maximus and the Enclave
13 V: Fixer and Arnim Zola
14 V: Skrulls
15 V: Freedom Force; A: Spider-Woman II
16 V: Grandmaster and Legion of Unliving
17 V: High Evolutionary; R & Q: Hercules; R&D: Jocasta; J: Yellowjacket II
18 V: Ghaur, Llyra, Set, Atlanteans
19 V: Terminus
20 V: Brutus, Subterraneans
21 V: Kang and Terminatrix
22 V: Bloodwraith
23 V: Typhon
Giant-Size Avengers
1 V: Nuklo; A: Whizzer
2 V: Kang; R: Hawkeye; D: Swordsman
3 V: Kang and Legion of Unliving
4 V: Kang and Dormammu; J&Q: Mantis
West Coast Avengers LS
1 J: Mockingbird, Iron Man II; A: Shroud.
2-4 V: Graviton & Blank.
West Coast Avengers
1-2 V: Grim Reaper, Nekra, Ultron, Black Talon II, Goliath III, Man-Ape; R: Iron Man; R: Hank Pym (as staff member)
3 V: Kraven; A: Thing
4 V: Master Pandemonium; A; Firebird
5 V: Werewolf
6 V: Cat People
7 V: Ultron
8-9 V: Master Pandemonium; J: Thing
10 V: Headlok and Griffin; Q: Thing and Firebird
11 V: Shockwave, Razorfist and Zaran
12-13 V: Graviton, Zzzaxx, Quantum and Halflife
14-15 V: Allatou, Master Pandemonium and Cat People
16 V: Whirlwind and Tiger Shark
17-24 V: Dominus, Phantom Rider, Rama-Tut, Iron Mask, etc. R: Firebird (as Espirita), Doctor Pym (as member); A: Moon Knight; R&Q: Two-Gun Kid.
25 V: Abomination
26-28 V: Zodiac
29 V: Cornelus Van Lunt
30 V: Sligs
31 V: Phantom Rider and Arkon; Q: Iron Man
32 V: Yetrigar and Phantom Rider; R: Wasp
33-36 V: Madame X, El Toro, Beasts of Berlin, Scarlet Beetles, Quicksilver, Kristoff, Voice and Phantom Rider; J: Moon Knight; R: Vision II and Scarlet Witch
37 V: Voice; Q: Mockingbird, Moon Knight, Tigra, Doctor Pym and Wasp; R: Mantis
38 V: Defiler
39 V: Phantom Rider; Q: Mantis
40 V: Night Shift
41 V: Phantom Rider
42-45 V: Cameron Brock; R: Doctor Pym, Wasp, Tigra, Mockingbird; J: USAgent
46 1: GLA; Q: Hawkeye and Mockingbird
47-49 V: That Which Endures
50 J: Human Torch; R: Iron Man
51-52 V: Master Pandemonium and Mephisto
53-55 (ìActs of Vengeanceî) V: Loki, Magneto, U-Foes, Mole Man; Q: Vision II
56-57 V: Magneto, Scarlet Witch; R: Quicksilver
58 V: Vibro
59 V: Immortus
60-62 V: Magneto, Immortus, Legion of the Unliving and Tempus; R: Hawkeye
63 1: Living Lightning
64 V: Stevie
65-68 V: Grim Reaper, Ultron, Nekra and Mandrill; R: Tigra
69 V: Pacific Overlords; Q: USAgent; J: Machine Man
70-74: V: Doctor Demonicus and Pacific Overlords; R: USAgent; J: Spider-Woman II and Living Lightning; Q: Doctor Pym, Wasp and Tigra.
75 V: Arkon and Thundra
76-79 V: Satannish, Hangman II and Night Shift
80-82 (ìGalactic Stormî) V: Kree, Skrulls and Shi'ar
83 V: Hyena
84-86 V: Deathweb, Manipulator and Mike Clemson.
87-88 V: Bogatyri; Q: Iron Man; R: Mockingbird
89-91 V: Ultron and Alkhema; Q: Wonder Man
92 V: Goliath III
93-95 V: Doctor Demonicus, Klaw, Zvezda Dennista, Pacific Overlords; J: Darkhawk; R: War Machine (formerly Iron Man II).
96-97 V: Quantum and Power Platoon.
98-100 V: Satannish, Hangman II, Lethal Legion and Mephisto; D: Mockingbird
101 V: Exodus and Fabian Cortez
102 V: Nel Yomtov, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning; Q: Iron Man, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, War Machine, USAgent and Spider-Woman II.
1 V: Nefarius and Moonstone II
2 V: Graviton
3 V: Super-Android Model F-4
4 V: Titania II, Absorbing Man and a cast of thousands
5 V: Controller
6 V: Bloodwraith
Avengers: Terminatrix Objective
1-4 V: Terminatrix, Kang, Alioth
X-Men vs. The Avengers
1-4 V: Magneto, Soviet Super-Soldiers
Avengers: Death Trap, The Vault
(The Avengers face a mass superhuman jailbreak led by Venom.)
Avengers: Emperor Doom
(Doctor Doom conquers the world through the power of the Purple Man, and only the Avengers can resist him.)
Avengers: The Korvac Saga
(Reprints the Avengers' conflict with the mad man-god Korvac; includes new epilogue story featuring the Avengers laying Korvac to rest.)
Avengers Strikefile
(The surviving Kree swear vengeance on the Avengers, whom they wrongly blame for the destruction of the intergalactic Kree Empire.)
Avengers: The Crossing
(As the Avengers reunite to celebrate the anniversary of their founding, Iron Man inexplicably murders Marilla and Yellowjacket while Gilgamesh turns up on the team's doorstep near death. Continues into the ongoing Avengers series.)
Avengers: Timeslide
(Continued from ìThe Crossingî storyline in the ongoing Avengers series. The Avengers retrieve a teen-age Iron Man from the past to battle the corrupt Iron Man of the present.)
(Grandmaster and Loki use the Avengers and the otherdimensional super-team Ultraforce as pawns in a contest for ownership of the Infinity Gems, but the game proves pointless when the gems merge into a sentient being bent on remaking reality. Continues in Ultraforce/Avengers.)
(Continued from Avengers/Ultraforce. The Avengers join forces with the otherdimensional super-team Ultraforce to defeat Nemesis, the mad reality-restructuring being created by the merger of the Infinity Gems. The heroes succeed, but Ultraforce's world is remade in the process, causing subtle changes in its present and its past.)
Ultraforce/Avengers Prelude
(Dimensionally displaced Avengers members Black Knight and Sersi are reunited, but forces are conspiring to pit the Knight and his new Ultraforce teammates against his old Avengers teammates. Meanwhile, Sersi has fallen under the control of a mysterious, malevolent force.
Solo Avengers
1 F: Hawkeye and Mockingbird; V: Trick Shot
2 F: Hawkeye (origin)/Captain Marvel II; V: Trick Shot/Felipe Picaro
3 F: Hawkeye/Moon Knight; V: Trick Shot and Batroc's Brigade/Shroud and Night Shift
4 F: Hawkeye/Black Knight III; V: Silver Sable and Trick Shot/Last Knight
5 F: Hawkeye/Scarlet Witch; V: Trick Shot/John Kowalski
6 F: Hawkeye/Falcon II; V: Red Skull II/Scatterbrain; G: Peregrine and Sandman
7 F: Hawkeye/Black Widow II; V: Bartovian Liberation Front/KGB; G: Silver Sable and Sandman
8 F: Hawkeye/Doctor Pym; V: Blind Justice/Doctor Nemesis; G: Mockingbird
9 F: Hawkeye/Hellcat; V: Blind Justice/Mad Dog; G: Shroud
10 F: Hawkeye/Doctor Druid; V: Stonecutter
11 F: Hawkeye/Hercules; V: Bobcat & his Claws, Kranpuff/Dionysus and Butcher T. Washington
12 F: Hawkeye/Yellowjacket II; V: Abomination/Fixer II; G: Black Knight III
13 F: Hawkeye/Wonder Man; V: Bullet Biker
14 F: Hawkeye/She-Hulk; V: AIM/Titania II; G: Black Widow II, Mockingbird
15 F: Hawkeye/Wasp; V: AIM/Red Ronin; G: Black Widow II, Mockingbird
16 F: Hawkeye/Moondragon; V: AIM and SODAM; G: Black Widow II, Mockingbird, Doctor Pym/Pam Douglas, Gargoyle II.
17 F: Hawkeye/Sub-Mariner; V: Doctor Octopus, Madame Menace/Goldbug; G: Sandman
18 F: Hawkeye/Moondragon; G: Texas Twister, Shooting Star/Pam Douglas, Gargoyle II, Mentor
19 F: Hawkeye/Black Panther; V: Orb and Plantman
20 F: Hawkeye/Moondragon; V: Orb and Plantman; G: Sundragon, Gargoyle II, Cloud
Avengers Spotlight
21 F: Hawkeye/Starfox; V: Orb and Plantman/Rescorlans; G: Wonder Man, Dr. Pym
22 F: Hawkeye/Swordsman (origin); V: Brothers Grimm, Mad Dog, Bobcat/Wong-Chu; G: Mockingbird
23 F: Hawkeye/Vision II; V: Mad Dog, Bobcat, Bullet Biker, Death-Throws/Smog Alert; G: Trick Shot/AWC
24 F: Hawkeye/Firebird (origin); V: Crossfire, Brothers Grimm, Mad Dog, Bobcat, Bullet Biker, Death-Throws and Razorfist; G: Trick Shot
25 F: Hawkeye/Rick Jones; V: Crossfire, Brothers Grimm, Mad Dog, Bobcat, Bullet Biker, Death-Throws and Razorfist; G: Trick Shot and Mockingbird
26 F: Hawkeye and Iron Man; V: Loki, Wizard, etc. (ìActs of Vengeanceî)
27 F: Hawkeye/Avengers; V: Loki, Boomerang, Awesome Android
28 F: Hawkeye/Wonder Man and Wasp; V: Loki, Screaming Mimi, Angar, Mad Thinker, Gargantua; G: Mockingbird
29 F: Hawkeye/Iron Man; V: Karl Malus and the Power Tools/Klaw and Wizard; G: Dollar Bill and Madcap
30 F: Hawkeye; V: Lotus Newmark, Prince Charming, Stone Perfs; G: Mockingbird
31 F: Hawkeye/USAgent; V: Lotus Newmark, Prince Charming, Stone Perfs, Terminizer/Xenophobic Man
32 F: Hawkeye/USAgent; V: Lotus Newmark, Prince Charming, Stone Perfs, Terminizer/Xenophobic Man
33 F: Hawkeye/USAgent; V: Lotus Newmark, Prince Charming, Stone Perfs, Terminizer/Xenophobic Man; G: Mockingbird
34 F: Hawkeye/USAgent; V: Lotus Newmark, Prince Charming, Stone Perfs, Terminizer/Xenophobic Man; G: Mockingbird
35 F: Gilgamesh; V: B'Gon the Sorcerer; G: Sprite
36 F: Hawkeye; V: Lotus Newmark, Prince Charming, Terminizer; G: Mockingbird
37 F: Doctor Druid (origin); V: Terminatrix
38 F: Tigra; V: Tabur; G: Agatha Harkness and Ebony
39 F: Black Knight III; V: Crusader; G: Sean Dolan, Victoria Bentley, Valinor, Catherwood
40 F: Vision II; V: Roxxon