
Subj: Re:Happy Anniversary

Date: 97-10-19 12:53:36 EST

From: JRivera000

has it been a year since i first signed on to aol and marvel on-line? by gosh, time flies!

first poster i had a conversation with was laddclan, then strahd9. i met captamer1 over in captain america folder. we fought a battle against some julian9 guy who thought cap and supes were bigots or somesuch. i met pangolins, who most of the new people don't even know or have never talked to. pang is a quite one. one thing to know about him is that st___Àarfox is his favorite hero! laddy and i had a HUGE verbal fight with the x-posters in which drew tried to keep us all happy, but did not succeed. it was the "matriarch" of this board that kept us out of trouble...psi judge. her posts were always about something extremely deep. an actual conversation. deep thoughts about a comic book. who would've thought? it was charlotte who kept voicy ladd and myself from wreaking more havoc over in uncanny land. then new posters came along. good posters. older posters. kevin, jack, bear, arate, jp, doc, rm, sierra, psi master, alex, troi, thanos,...to name a few. and now we are one huge happy assemblage. except for people like munoz21, and sid vicious...who we really just have to laugh at. don't you find them comical? i do!

so here's to another year! if we can endure heroes reborn and a war with the x...we can endure anything!!

long live the mighty avenger posters!!

